Wednesday, December 1, 2010: Today on The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob MCConnellc

The following interviews can be heard starting at 10 pm - 2 am Eastern / 7 pm - 11 pm Pacific (Network 1) 2 am - 6 am Eastern / 11 pm - 2 am Pacific (Network 2) 6 pm - 10 pm Eastern / 3 pm - 7 pm Pacific on The TalkStar Radio Network from our Washington DC Affiliate at or Apple iTunes at or at The 'X' Zone Podcast website at

SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific
JERRY SMITH - Does God Give Us More Than We Can Bear? - The child of a raped housekeeper who was deaf, mute, and poor, Jerry Smith had trouble before he even started. Does God Give Us More Than We Can Bear? takes readers through disappointments and failures as Jerry does his best to battle overwhelming odds with a deck seemingly stacked against him. Did God give Jerry more than he could bear? As an aging Jerry ponders this very question, he is diagnosed with an untreatable and terminal lung disease. With nowhere left to turn and a deadline with fate, God then reveals his plan for Jerry's life. Now, cured of his previously incurable disease but still suffering the damage caused, Jerry has been given new direction and shares with readers his struggles, stories, and wisdom. In these recollections, he reveals hope, a light for the darkest days, years, and even decades. Jerry's story is the perfect example of how God will use anything for good, even when it seems most unlikely. He now lives to share his story, the hope he has, and how the lessons he learned can change lives. -

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SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific
DANIEL AND ANGELA CLARK - Life After Religion: Freedom from beliefs that cripple the mind and kill the spirit. - Dan's soul was crying out from the depths of his being, a sort of discontent had begun that lingered on and on and would not leave him alone…..not until he realized that he alone had to do something and take action following what he calls our God-given inner GPS system (or the Holy Spirit). Dan believes that we all have this yearning and heart cry and we must answer it as this inner GPS is calling us, trying to communicate with us all - pointing the way to our higher and best purpose. If your soul or heart is yearning for change? Then, Dan's book, Life After Religion will urge you on to respond to this invitation without hesitation. Maybe you've felt like the author at times - empty, full of fear and shame - even purposeless angry and frustrated…. and maybe you're at a turning point in your life and you just can't continue with your life on its current course any longer. Dan Clark is refreshingly honest in sharing his raw weaknesses and shares how following his heart cry paid off, but not without paying a price, by following that yearning - that heart cry which lead him to make a bold move - he felt the need to throw off the teachings programmed into him since birth and rebuild his life, setting out on an amazing journey to discover God - with all of His promises, for himself. On this journey, he discovered something special - a missing ingredient which Dan calls "the catalyst" that helped him to be able to walk through his fears and finally live the life that for him, had once been only a dream. Best part is that he shares this missing ingredient that had become lost over the years and just how to use it. -

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SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific
KENNETH PASSAN - Forensics and the Violent Criminal Mind - Kenneth Passan has studied criminology since 1973. He wrote articles for Forensic Nurse Magazine, and realized that with additional material he could expand them into a book, which he began in 2005. The book includes the basics of forensics, violent crimes and what happens after an arrest. There also are chapters about victimology so readers can decrease their risk of being the victim of a violent crime.

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SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
CHRIS KIRBY - Canada Post Corporation Has A Spy Satellite! - According to Canada Post employee Chris Kirby, he is under suveillance of a Canada Post Corporation Spy Satellite that was sold to Canada Post by CSIS - the Canadian Security Intelligence Service - which uses his unique brain wave signature to keep tabs on him - for what exact reason... well - Chris could not say. According to Chris Kirby, and how we are still trying to figure out - it has something to do with the allegations that Kirby made on the show that three senior executtives of Canada Post are embezzling money off of Canada Post pay cheques and they have been doing this for th epast 10 years. Kirby claims that the information about his being under surveillance of the Canada Post Satellite comes from a former CIA agent - Anthony Jewells - who was personal security to Moya Greene, the President and CEO of Canada Post. Kirby has sent letters to the Metropolitan Toronto Police Chief Blair complaining about being under surveillance by this Canada Post satellite and according to Kirby, a detective has been assigned to the case. Very strange allegations friom a very strange guest. To view the email that Chris Kirby sent to the media and the Metro Police Chief visit - Kirby's website -

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The 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show

The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper,

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Toll Free: (800) 610-7035
Tel: (905) 575-1222
Fax: (905) 575-1222
Skype: xzoneradiotv

Tuesday, November 30, 2010: Today on The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell

The following interviews can be heard starting at 10 pm - 2 am Eastern / 7 pm - 11 pm Pacific (Network 1) 2 am - 6 am Eastern / 11 pm - 2 am Pacific (Network 2) 6 pm - 10 pm Eastern / 3 pm - 7 pm Pacific on The TalkStar Radio Network from our Washington DC Affiliate at or Apple iTunes at or at The 'X' Zone Podcast website at

SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific
BRIAN DAVID ANDERSEN - Part II - "My God I'm Hit! - A Sherlock Holmes Approach To The Kennedy Incident on Elm Street - For 47 years researches have investigated the pieces of the Kennedy jigsaw puzzle related to the incident on Elm Street from the straight, standard and narrow perspective that a murder by gunfire took place. However, the pieces of the murder by gunfire approach cannot (and will never) fit together as the completed puzzle/solid unit that would enable readers to form logical conclusions and answer endless questions that surface with each. Brian David Andersen is the first investigator to successfully assemble a majority of the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle related to Kennedy incident on Elm Street so that individuals can formulate his/her own logical but very astounding conclusions and answers. The first portion of the text is written by Andersen. The second portion of the book includes the fascinating testimonies of the key participants -- Secret Service agent Roy Kellerman, Dr. Charles Baxter M.D. and Abraham Zapruder to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Warren Commission. Andersen's evidence and the key testimonies included in the 340 page hardbound and soft bound book feature numerous illustrations and photographs. Andersen's book provides the proper pieces of the jigsaw puzzle so readers have the components, information and awareness to make logical conclusions and formulate sensible answers. The author places the reader in the position of a juror as he assembles and presents the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle from the diagonal rather than from the straight, standard and narrow perspective. The author requests the juror, you the reader, to sustain or revoke the death certificate (of John Fitzgerald Kennedy) after he presents the compelling and indisputable evidence in the "lawsuit"/book. At places the author / Plaintiff expresses his discoveries, opinions and conclusions with light humor and other places he pounds the reader with unambiguous, harsh and numbing realities. The Rosetta Stone of the Kennedy incident on Elm Street is the diary of eye-witness June Dishong. Her simple, heart-felt, shocking and honest words will rock the reader's world to the very core. Although he did not know it at that time, Andersen began gathering his peripheral and hardcore evidence at age 11 during the shocking afternoon of November 22, 1963. "My God, I'm Hit!" is based upon the 44 year Odyssey of Brian David Andersen who spent his childhood and teenage years in the suburb of Dallas called Irving. The book details how he was inadvertently and purposely exposed to hidden evidence and aspects of the Kennedy incident on Elm Street from various sources. Andersen did not seek-out but was informed in detail how the body that rolled into the emergency room really died due to his being a neighbour and an employee of a Parkland Hospital attending surgeon. Andersen relates how and why the medical doctor emphatically, shockingly and forcefully halted all life saving procedures on the near lifeless body that was removed from the Kennedy Presidential limousine. This revelation was one of countless off-the-wall and unexpected exposures and experiences for Andersen over the past 44 years. In conclusion the thrust of "My God, I'm Hit!" is summarized by a quote from the book: "Whether you like it or not here comes the loaded, hard and heavy paradigm shift train so either hop on for a wild new ride or get run over while your heart and head remain buried underneath the rails." -

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SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific
SHOSHANNA ALLISON - Remembering Robert W Ghostwolf - For 35 years, Shoshanna Allison travelled the US on spiritual missions - which brought her to New Mexico with Robert Ghost Wolf. She became 'internet savvy' early and in 1996 became involved with the Anti-Aspartame movement, warning people of the dangers of putting chemicals in their bodies.....This effort expanded to warning the public about MSG, Fluoride, Vaccines, Genetically Modified Foods and a myriad of other toxic substances. In her travels she became involved with Native Americans and was trained in ceremony and beliefs by Elders of several tribes - which put her in perfect step to understand the teachings of Robert Ghost Wolf......whose work she is still bringing to the public. She now lives in the Mid-West with her 3 dogs and a very busy computer! - and

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SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific
BETTY BIVAND AND JEFF - Ghost Eliminators - Betty is one of the co-founders of Ghost Eliminators. Betty since the early age of 7 has had the gift to see and hear spirit on the astral plane. Her guide came to her at that time and told her that she had a light that the spirits wanted and needed. At that age she could not comprehend what she was suppose to do. Betty came to the realization in her teenage years that she was different from others around her. At the age of 28 Betty created Ghost Eliminators, which helped people understand and rescue spirits that were stuck. Betty also can see other people's guides but she cannot hear the guides. This is where her guide steps in. Chahielia her spirit guide will relay what the guides are saying to her. Betty also does Shiatsu therapy, crystal therapy, elixirs for health issues, author of 6 published books, columnist for HWS magazine, speaker at seminars, chakra healing, colour therapy, nationally broadcasted interview with @issue with Arlene Bynon, specialist in demonology with over 30 years experience and private readings. Betty brings much knowledge and experience to her mission of helping people. She is an indigo with great empathy for the human race. Betty is always willing to put herself out there if it will be a positive effect on others in some way. Betty works with Jeff who is a channeler. Jeff has worked with Betty for 17 years and together they are a force to be reckoned with. The fight against the dark entities of this world is their top priority. Betty has created a website to share some of her knowledge ( On the website there is a link to Orb pictures that the Ghost Eliminators have taken in the past 12 years. Many are very interesting and can be viewed with explanations of what was happening during the clearing. Betty & Jeff have done 5 episodes with the hit T.V series History of a haunting. Betty also has a vast resource of gifted healers and mediums. She is always referring people to spiritual teachers or readers so that people are not taken advantage of by fraudulent psychics that are out there taking an advantage of innocent people. Betty is very honest and straight forward with the fraud she sees in the world pertaining to psychics. She has written articles to tell people how to choose a psychic. -

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SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
DR. WILLIAM SCHNEID, PhD - Oregon Terrorist Plot, Wiki Leaks and National Security, Tunneling between Mexico and California in the Narcotic Trade - A used toner cartridge could easily be modified into a bomb, a printer expert told, underscoring fears that a mysterious object discovered in an air cargo shipment making its way from Yemen to the U.S. was intended as a terrorist attack. Federal authorities shepherded airplanes into New York's JFK and investigated suspicious packages on UPS planes at two U.S. airports in response to the discovery of suspicious packages found Thursday night in Dubai and England. One of the packages contained an object described as a clear cartridge with wires coming out, and authorities speculated that it could be a toner cartridge that had been manipulated. John Shane, an expert on all things printers, agreed. -

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The 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show

The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper,

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Toll Free: (800) 610-7035
Tel: (905) 575-1222
Fax: (905) 575-1222
Skype: xzoneradiotv

Monday, November 29 2010: Today on The 'X' Zone with Rob McConnell

The following interviews can be heard starting at 10 pm - 2 am Eastern / 7 pm - 11 pm Pacific (Network 1) 2 am - 6 am Eastern / 11 pm - 2 am Pacific (Network 2) 6 pm - 10 pm Eastern / 3 pm - 7 pm Pacific on The TalkStar Radio Network from our Washington DC Affiliate at or Apple iTunes at or at The 'X' Zone Podcast website at

SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific
PETER WOOLFORD - The Genesis Grid - Our Investigation Continues - In this bombshell discovery - already reviewed and agreed by several PhD qualified academics in the UK - it is shown that Genesis chapter one has been built on the first 31 digits of pi, the world's most memorised number. Furthermore, it is shown for the first time that there exists a pattern within the digits of pi! The experts are so far unanimous - "You have a pattern!" After seven years of painstaking research this astounding breakthrough - so simple that its fundamentals could be illustrated by pre-school children - proves that a number pattern from pi (3.14159...) appears in eleven separate places within the Bible. Shockingly, this pattern is implanted within the human reproductive system in three different ways. A race greater than man has constructed the Bible and they are controlling today's world. In these last days of the present era they are telling us why we are here, and what happens next... -

SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific
ELIZABETH JOYCE - Psychic Predictions for 2011 - Putting Her On The Record - Elizabeth Joyce grew up in Ridgewood, New Jersey. At eight years old, Elizabeth's psychic powers were revealed to her family when she announced that the elderly tenant upstairs had died. (She died within three days of this prediction) Elizabeth's grandmother, Ella Russell Hemphill from Warner, New Hampshire, was herself a medium and recognized Elizabeth's gift at age five, when Elizabeth spent a year living with her. Priscilla, Elizabeth's mother, grew up in a spiritual home where visions were commonplace. Although she herself was not psychic, Priscilla accepted it as "the gift of knowledge" as she did not like the word "psychic". She was a bit afraid of the circumstances as she was a strong Christian and felt this "gift" was not readily accepted by the public. She did not welcome more eccentricity in her life, however, and would do nothing to encourage it in her daughter, the last born of two sets of identical twins. Their lifelong relationship very close and loving, but Elizabeth became estranged from her sisters at her mother's death in 1991. Thousands of people have witnessed Elizabeth Joyce's incredible psychic powers on TV shows such as Unsolved Mysteries, Beyond Chance and The Psychic Detectives; She is a frequent guest on radio shows across the country and is now a "regular" on the X-Zone Radio with Rob McConnell. She has been profiled in Women's Day Magazine, Wall Street Magazine, The National Enquirer, The New York Times and other national media. Elizabeth is the author of numerous articles and guided meditation audio cassettes. Her book Psychic Attack-Are You A Victim h by IUniverse (Oct. 2007) is doing well. Her second book, Ascension - Accessing The 5th Dimension (preparing for 2012 and beyond) will be released this fall. Ms. Joyce is a member of the Academy of Religion and Psychical Research; profiled in seven books, three of which are The Psychic Yellow Pages (2001) by Dr. Hans Holzer, The World's Greatest Psychics (2004) by Francine Hornberger, and the Akashic Who's Who of Psychics, Mediums and Healers (2005) by Victorialynn Weston. Elizabeth Joyce is recognized for her clairvoyant ability to help find missing persons, dream analysis, past-life regression work, mediumship, astounding psychic gifts, accurate predictions and spiritual guidance. Elizabeth is the founder of her organization, Visions of Reality, and teaches classes and seminars on improving your psychic and intuitive abilities. Elizabeth Joyce founded the Bucks County Metaphysical Association located in Doylestown, Pennsylvania; a non-profit organization dedicated to the knowledge and growth of understanding metaphysics. The BCMA is building a metaphysical library for the county's use and donates proceeds from it's functions to local charities. -

SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific
DERREL SIMS - Alien Hunter - Derrel Sims, over a span of more than 3 decades is a full time UFO Researcher with a specific interest in medical/scientific evidence of human/alien contact. Sims feels that people who claim of contact with the alien presence should offer evidence of their positions. He states that it is incumbent upon us to produce evidence of these phenomena if we are to continue to make these claims and we must provide the best evidence to the medical/scientific fields if we are ever to have "academic" acceptance. Some of his work is already published in the Royal Society of Chemical Engineers and is referenced in other works. Sims is a Certified Hypnotic Anesthesia Therapist and a Master Hypnotherapist, with special certifications in Medical Hypnotherapy and Hypnotherapeutic Intervention. He uses a multi-modality approach to memory retrieval and has developed specialized techniques for working specifically with alleged abductees as well as for use in more typical therapeutic interventions. He has a Master Level in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), certifications in Time Line Therapy and extensive training in Graphoanalysis, Linguistics and other modalities. Researchers and laboratories are used to exploit and further test his discoveries such as alien implants from cases that stem from 1960 and more recently the first public surgery for alleged alien implants in 1995. Extensive laboratory analysis of surgically removed implants has revealed objects with pathology and metallurgical findings that are somewhat beyond our technologies. Sims is a member of Project P.A.R.S.E.C. (Psychotherapists Associated for the Research and the Study about EBE and their Contacts). P.A.R.S.E.C (with headquarters located in Italy) is an elite group of professionals dedicated to assisting those relating human/alien encounters through a therapeutic approach appropriate for the individual client and a scientific approach to research. -

SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
DR LEN SAPUTO - The Truth Behind The Flu and H1N1 - Len Saputo, MD, a 1965 graduate of Duke University Medical School, is board certified in internal medicine and was in private practice in affiliation with John Muir Medical Center in the San Francisco Bay Area for more than 30 years. After his awakening to the deep flaws in conventional medicine which culminated in the early 1990s, Saputo began a quest to develop a new approach to healing now known as integral-health medicine-the emergent medical care model that is integrative, holistic, person-centered, and preventive. In order to further this mission, Dr. Saputo founded the Health Medicine Forum in 1994 and was its director until 2008. In 2001, Saputo co-founded what is now called the Health Medicine Center, in Walnut Creek, California-one of the first clinics to bring the new model of integral-health medicine into practice. Dr. Saputo is the author of A Return to Healing: Radical Health Care Reform and the Future of Medicine (Origin Press, 2009), coauthor of Boosting Immunity: Creating Wellness Naturally (New World Library, 2002); and is the host of the Prescriptions for Health show on KEST-AM, aired in the San Francisco Bay Area every weekday morning. -

The 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show

The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper,

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Toll Free: (800) 610-7035
Tel: (905) 575-1222
Fax: (905) 575-1222
Skype: xzoneradiotv

Transformation Story

Fungi geneticist and mycologist Dr. Joan Bennett used to dismiss any connection between mold and ill health. Her views changed, however, when her New Orleans home became mold-ridden following Hurricane Katrina.

Two years ago Dr. Bennett went public with her transformation, as reported in this MedPage article from October 2008:

It was the smell of her Hurricane Katrina-damaged home that transformed fungi geneticist Joan Bennett, Ph.D., from a sick building syndrome skeptic into a believer.

Dr. Bennett, who had spent years studying the genetics of fungi, was so cynical about claims of sick buildings that she had even testified as an expert witness for insurance companies, heaping scorn on homeowners' claims about pathological mold and fungi.

But when Dr. Bennett stepped into her New Orleans home after the hurricane-driven floodwaters had receded from the brick and plaster structure, her dubious shell began to crack.

"The overwhelming obnoxiousness of the odor and of the enveloping air made me start to believe in something I never had before -- sick building syndrome," she said at the Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, held jointly with the Infectious Diseases Society of America meeting.

Dr. Bennett's confession came during a press conference before a symposium on the links between human disease and molds.

Absent actual infection, such as athlete's foot, Dr. Bennett had thought fungi could not cause illness, especially the seemingly disparate sick buildings afflictions -- impotence, headaches, and hemorrhages.

Then came Katrina.

The hurricane left her home uninhabitable and many of her possessions had to be destroyed -- victims of the way fungi "eat."

"Fungi have a strange way of gaining nutrition," Dr. Bennett said. "They put enzymes and acids into the environment, they turn everything out there to slime, then they reabsorb it. They literally live in their food and in their waste."

That process, she now thinks, may release volatile organic compounds that can have an effect on human health.

"Perhaps what we're dealing with was not spores associated with fungi, but some volatile compound," suggested Dr. Bennett, who left Tulane University in New Orleans after the hurricane to work at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences at Rutgers.

Dr. Bennett is in the early stages of analyzing the fungi in New Orleans homes and then testing the biological effects of fungus-generated volatiles on worms.

In the long run, she hopes to understand -- with the help of animal models -- how fungi might affect the health of humans.

There are more than 3,000 volatile compounds produced by each individual fungus, making it difficult for researchers to pinpoint which fungus produces which volatile compound and what effect it might have on human health, said David Denning, M.D., of North Manchester General Hospital in Manchester, England.

"You've got multiple different fungi, multiple different chemicals, and different susceptibilities and symptoms to work there," Dr. Denning said. "It's quite a complex area."

Dr. Denning's own work, presented here, concerned a randomized clinical trial in which 60 severe asthma patients were treated with the antifungal medication itraconazole or given placebo.

He said the patients given the itraconazole had a "very significant benefit in quality of life," among 60% of the patients. They also relied on fewer steroids and inhalers to manage their asthma.

The reason for the success of the treatment, he suggested, is that some people are "hypersensitive" to fungi.

"These individuals are sensitized so we can detect an abnormal immune response, and those fungi seem to aggravate their asthma," he said.

This article can be viewed in its entirety by clicking here.

Sunday, November 28 2010: Today on The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell

The following interviews are NOW available at Apple iTunes at or at The 'X' Zone Podcast website at

SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific
DR. JACKIE JONES HUNT - Paranormal Phenomena - Dr. Jackie Jones-Hunt studied at Lancaster and Strathclyde University in the United Kingdom and Senior University in Canada in the Dept. of Consciousness Studies and Sacred Traditions. Senior University was based in 200-2900, Simpson Road, British Columbia, Canada and had offices in Wyoming, USA. Senior University was established for many years It was licenced/accredited by the State of Wyoming Board of Education, USA to grant degrees: "W.S.21-2-401 through W.S. 21-2-407 and authorized to grant degrees pursuant to Chapter 30, Wyoming State Board of Education rules and regulations". The university had over a 100 faculties and was recognized internationally as a bona fide degree awarding body, including USA, Russia, South Africa etc. In recent times Senior university has been taken over by Rutherford University. She was awarded a II-I Bachelor of Arts Honors Degree, a Post-Graduate Diploma in Vocational Guidance, a Master of Philosophy and a Doctorate. Jackie's first degree was in Arabic Language and Islamic Studies and Religious Studies (World Religions.) Jackie has researched the experiential and the theoretical with regard to shamanic paranormal phenomena, obes, ndes and mediumship for over 25 years. Her 80,000 word dissertation culminated in a Master of Philosophy, which examined shamanic paranormal phenomena, out of body and near death experiences throughout the ages and cross-culturally. Jackie analysed examples of mediumship throughout the world from the dawn of time to present day and was awarded a PhD. Since a student Jackie travelled extensively in the Middle East pursuing her interest in spiritual history and associated psychic phenomena. Alone, Jackie finally emmigrated to Jordan and taught English while carrying out her related passion exploring ancient religious archaeological sites in Syria, Egypt, Israel, Palestine and Jordan . Her interest in the paranormal and psychical extends to the psychical elements inherent in ancient Egyptian, Hebrew, Jewish and Islamic (Sufi) traditions. Jackie has worked as a Lecturer and Student Counsellor in the UK , taught world religions and taught Islam at Warwick University . Jackie has taught Psychical Research/ Consciousness Studies at Warwick University and other colleges in the United Kingdom intermittently between travel and research for over 25 years. She is the author of the book entitled Seances with God: God through the Ages and she publishes articles on related topics. Jackie continues to tutor and write on Consciousness Studies/Psychical Research. Dr Jackie Jones-Hunt has lectured in Consciousness Studies/Psychical Research at Warwick University, Strathclyde University and Paisley University. Dr Jackie Jones-Hunt continues to lecture as a visiting lecturer at diverse institutions and began lecturing on this subject approximately 20 years ago.

SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific
DR. BRUCE CORNET, PHD - AOP Researcher, Geologist, Paleobotanist, Palynologist - Bruce has initiated a research project to install passive detection and monitoring devices at UFO hot spots around the US. He has many of his own outstanding sighting photos and videos on his web site. And, he is an authority on events that have been occurring in the Pine Bush, NY area from the 1980's to the present time. Dr. Bruce Cornet is on the staff of the National Institute for Discovery Science.

SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific
JAMES GILLILAND - ECETI - Most recently James has been featured in John Savages' and Michael Knight's documentary "Contact Has Begun" His Story with James Gilliland. James Gilliland plays the key figure in the movie documentary, Contact Has Begun. This movie is also featured in, The Viel is Lifting, and the new soon to be released movie, Thrive. He has appeared to numerous to mention radio shows. He has been a speaker at many events and featured on the The History Channel's, "UFOs Then and now: Hot Spots", ABC and FOX news, King 5 (Seattle) TV's Evening Magazine, Elaine Smitha, Daylene Gates Simply Spiritual, Off The Record with Ted Loman, International UFO Congress, and many other national and now international TV, radio and other media events. His articles and UFO reports have been featured by Magical Blend and UFO Magazine and have been regularly featured by major UFO information outlets such as Filer's Files, UFO Roundup, CAUS, MUFON, Skywatch International, PSI Applications, UFORC.Com, The Virtually Strange Network.

SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
RALPH ELLIS - The History That They DON'T Want You To Know and How The Scientific Community, Archaeologists and Theologians Have Been Feeding You Misinformation. - Adam and Eve were Pharaoh Akhenaton and Nefertiti ?? It would seem that the Israelites were not just in Egypt, they were Egyptians themselves. Now this is not fanciful material, it is all well researched and backed up by copious amounts of historical data. If anything people say there is too much data, but you cannot make revolutionary claims without copious evidence. Ralph Ellis claims he can forcefully argue each and every point - proving his point!

President & CEO
RAM Media Company

The 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show

The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper,

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Toll Free: (800) 610-7035
Tel: (905) 575-1222
Fax: (905) 575-1222
Skype: xzoneradiotv

The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - November 2010 Edition Is Here!

Your Complimentary Copy of The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - November 2010
Is Now Available at

Here are just some of the many stores in this edition of The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper:

Page 01: 2010: No Paranormal Evidence Found
Page 03: Whispers, Chains, Ghosts
Page 05: Big Brother Is Watching
Page 06: Hitler Devised UFO
Page 07: Ann Eller Re-Examined
Page 08: Dorito UFO Spotted Over UK
Page 09: Billy Meier Beats NASA to Punch
Page 10: UFO? Missile? Contrail?
Page 11: Is There A 666/2012 Connection?
Page 12: ‘X’ Zone Launch on NNTV Delayed
Page 13: Dr Nance MacLeod - 2011 Events
Page 14: My God, I’m Hit!
Page 15: North American Union
Page 16: Biologist Explains Chupacabra
Page 17: Tales of Witchcraft in Maritimes
Page 18: 10 Alien Encounters Debunked
Page 19: Alien Predators
Page 25: Common Myths About Diabetes
Page 26: Life After Religion
Page 27: From Websites to Peace of Mind
Page 28: Bizarre News
Page 29: 2012: The Year of Changes
Page 30: Dodging the Nuclear 9/11
Page 31: Astrology for December 2010
Page 32: Planet X
Page 33: In Flanders Field, The Poppies Blow.
Page 34: Muslim, Christian and Jew
Page 35: Visions of the Future - Sims Card Man
Page 36: ‘X’ Zone Bannermania
Page 39: Snippets from the Trenches
Page 41: Visions of Reality
Page 42: NASA, Fakes and Cover-ups
Page 43: Psychic Said She Was Duped
Page 44: The Exodus Revelation
Page 45: UFO Matrix
Page 46: Sorry! There Is No Afterlife
Page 47: Secrets of an Immortal
Page 48:

Please read and enjoy and visit our advertisers who make this publication available to you with our compliments!

President & CEO
RAM Media Company

The 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show
The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper,

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Toll Free: (800) 610-7035
Tel: (905) 575-1222
Fax: (905) 575-1222
Skype: xzoneradiotv

Saturday, November 27 2010: Today on The 'X' Zone with Rob McConnell


Saturday November 27 2010

The following interviews are NOW available at Apple iTunes at or at The 'X' Zone Podcast website at

SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 12 am Eastern / 7 pm - 9 pm Pacific
DR DANEEN PETERSON - Stop The North American Union - Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D., an author who writes and speaks about the coming North American Union (NAU). Her articles, published on a variety of online news Journals, and Chronicles are heavily researched and referenced with 'clickable' URLs that will take the reader directly to the source material. Her accompanying photos and graphics add to her vivid exposés. All of her articles can be found archived on the website. At one time she was a professor at both Temple and Jefferson Universities in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where she taught behavioral science research methodology and statistics. After leaving academia, she created and directed the first Department of Research and Program Evaluation for Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America's National Office in Philadelphia, PA, where she worked with some 512 agencies in all fifty states. Dr . Peterson is currently researching and writing on the issue of the One World Order and the United States Government's covert and illegal acts to create a North American Union without the Constitutionally required consent of Congress or informing 'We the People.' She has been an invited guest on many talk radio programs and makes personal appearances to discuss her in-depth research to expose the brazen, surreptitious, and treasonous acts by our own government to force us into a North American Union. A North American Union that will be a carbon copy of the European Union (EU) which will end our Constitutional Republic, Bill of Rights, legal system and freedoms. Working in secret, our Executive Branch is 'harmonizing' our ALL of our regulatory laws with Mexico, a corrupt oligarchy, and Canada, a socialist parliamentary system. Their goal . . . a totalitarian police state.

SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8pm - 9 pm Pacific
PATRICK COOKE - The Cooke Report - News from The World of the Paranormal and Science of Parapsychology and all things Weird! - Patrick Cooke is an independent theologian, author, publisher, and researcher in the fields of ufology, exotheology, eschatology, the paranormal, ancient artifacts, Bible and Church history and doctrines, and world conditions. His most widely-read work is the Bible UFO Connection website:, a unique and wide-ranging database on UFOs; focusing on presenting proof of a relationship between the occupants of UFOs and mankind's history and future.

SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific
JOHN ROWE - Pilot Shares His UFO Experiences On The 'X' Zone - John Rowe is a retired airline pilot and I spent 38 years in the cockpit of Delta aircraft. During that time he watched and listened as a UFO was sighted by one of Delta's jets near Atlanta GA. At that time, 1967 John was the third pilot on a DC-8. This sighting was made not only by air line crews but Atlanta radar. John states that a Delta jet actually chased the UFO with Atlanta ATC providing permission to do so. Later on in 1975 John Rowe personally witnessed a UFO 1/2 mile south of Brady, Texas. It crossed the road in front of John one night less than 200 feet above the ground. John had two dogs in the front seat of his truck and they cowered as he had never seen them do before or after during this sighting.

SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
GLENN KIMBALL - Ancient Manuscripts - Glenn Kimball is an author, educator and lecturer. He has successfully completed all course work for a Ph.D. in Communications. He was the former president of International Exchange School and has taught school at Southern Illinois University. He has been collecting ancient texts since the age of fifteen and is famous for being able to integrate very diverse texts into a contiguous story line. Due to the censorship of time and doubt, most of the documents and oral stories chronicling the early life of Jesus were destroyed, lost, or forgotten. After 25 years of research, during which Kimball visited museums, Indian tribes, medicine men, and universities, he assembled some of the missing links and unsolved mysteries of Christianity.

President & CEO
RAM Media Company

The 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show
The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper,

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Toll Free: (800) 610-7035
Tel: (905) 575-1222
Fax: (905) 575-1222
Skype: xzoneradiotv

Friday, November 26 2010: Today on The 'X' Zone with Rob McConnell

The following interviews can be heard starting at 10 pm - 2 am Eastern / 7 pm - 11 pm Pacific (Network 1) 2 am - 6 am Eastern / 11 pm - 2 am Pacific (Network 2) 6 pm - 10 pm Eastern / 3 pm - 7 pm Pacific on The TalkStar Radio Network from our Washington DC Affiliate at or Apple iTunes at or at The 'X' Zone Podcast website at

SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific

NIGEL KERNER - PART 1 - Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls - The Beginning -
Nigel Kerner is an author and freelance journalist. He was born in Sri Lanka, his mother from a British planting family and his father an officer in the British Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm. This international family base provided the background for an obsessive and serious interest in international human affairs and how these interface with science, religion and philosophy. He has felt driven, from his young years, to expose the humbug and hypocrisy in modern scientific and religious and social thinking. His formal graduate education is in biomedical science and human behavioural psychology. His fascination with the puzzling and enigmatic phenomenon of UFOs resulted in his first book 'The Song of the Greys' published by Hodder & Stoughton in 1997. This serious work on the subject is now noted world-wide for its radical view on the phenomenon. His latest book, 'Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls' published by Inner Traditions/Bear & Company is the second in a trilogy about the UFO phenomenon and its social repercussions on humanity. His books and numerous articles have established his unique thesis as part of the canon of serious literature on the subject.-

SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific

DR ANDREW SILVERMAN, MD - PART II - Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls - The Shroud of Turin Connection -
Dr Andrew Silverman is a medical doctor who has been interested since childhood in the nature of what we are as human beings and what our potential is.He first became aware of the Turin Shroud on seeing a life-size photographic print of it at Nigel Kerner's house around 30 years ago. Dr Silverman has always been fascinated to know how the image could have formed and when he spoke to Nigel Kerner about it many years ago he explained his theory to him that light is frozen thought and matter is frozen light. Kerner also postulated that human transfiguration into light was a consequence of living a life as suggested and shown by the man whose image is on the shroud. Dr.Silverman gave a presentation in May this year at a scientific workshop in Frascati Italy discussing his and Nigel Kerner's ideas about the Shroud of Turin and how the image might have been formed. Dr. Silverman's full Paper will be published soon in the Proceedings of the Workshop: but here is the link to the abstract: -

SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific

NIGEL KERNER and DR. ANDREW SILVERMAN - PART III - Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls - The Conclusion -
With recent advances in bio-technology and cybernetics we are hurtling faster than ever before into what Nigel calls 'Sim Card Man.' Could it be that the Grey aliens that are a feature of almost all abduction experiences may themselves be the final product of a civilization at another location in the universe achieving this stage of technological advancement to its acme. Could this civilization have transformed their own natural bodies through artificial implants into bio-mechanical entities? It was recently revealed that scientists in the US have succeeded in developing the first living cell to be controlled entirely by synthetic DNA. Nigel suggests that the Greys themselves may have been made in this way as synthetic copies of their creators but fortified with an inorganic chemistry to allow for the kind of space travel beyond the speed of light necessary to reach other life forms in the universe. Could our cells act as their host mechanism for their synthetic DNA just as a bacterial cell was the host for the synthetic DNA produced by our own scientists? Could the Greys have been the final product of a civilization that sought to avoid death in this way? Could they be the epitome, in other words, of artificial intelligence? Abductees have commented on the blank, emotionless faces of the greys as they carry out painful procedures on them. It is as though we are laboratory rats to them. There is no sympathy but no cruelty either. They are like biological robots perhaps programmed to preserve the identity of their creators for eternity, carrying their DNA and cloning and re-cloning it in an attempt to reconstruct the original programme. Owing to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, otherwise known as entropy, all matter is subject to increasing states of breakdown and decay. The DNA held by the Greys would be breaking down with each cloning and re-cloning. However, to refresh their sample would not be simple. Human DNA, for example, is likely to be very different to their samples. The only way they could make use of our DNA would be a hybridisation process, converting us to be more like them. -

SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific

VERE CHAPPELL - Sexual Outlaw, Erotic Mystic: The Essential Ida Craddock -
Ida Craddock was an early advocate for women's rights and sex reform who helped hundreds of couples to improve their marriages with her sex education counseling and tracts sent through the mail. She was also an avid occultist and mystic who reported having regular sexual encounters with angelic beings. This was an incendiary combination in late nineteenth century America, inevitably attracting the attention of moral crusader Anthony Comstock, who devoted himself to her destruction. Although suffering exile, commitment to an insane asylum, and hard labor in prison, Ida's courage and refusal to compromise her beliefs would lead to her ultimate triumph, even in death. Vere Chappell is a writer, photographer, and researcher specializing in sexuality and spirituality. He travels extensively, studying and documenting sacred sexuality in art, history, and culture around the world. A recognized expert on Ida Craddock, he has lectured about her life and works in numerous venues over the past 10 years, and contributed a paper on Craddock to the Disinformation anthology The Book of Lies in 2003. He holds a doctorate in human sexuality from the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, and is an international officer of Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), an esoteric religious order which incorporates sacred sexuality in its teachings. -


Senior Executive for Broadcast / MultiMedia / Technical Services

REL-MAR McConnell Media Company

The 'X' Zone Radio Show

The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper,

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Toll Free: (800) 610-7035

Tel: (905) 575-1222

Fax: (905) 575-1222

Skype: xzoneradiotv

"When you open your mind to the impossible, YOU WILL find the Truth."

Top 10 Christmas Gifts for the Health-Conscious Cook

One thing I've learned this year is the value of good tools for culinary success. Thus, I've compiled a list of my favorite kitchen appliances/tools for healthy eating.

(All links are to for simplicity. Better prices may be found elsewhere.)

1. Food Dehydrator (approx. $190)

If I had to choose one appliance, it would be the food dehydrator. From beef jerky to herb drying, from fruit leathers to flax crackers, the versatility of the dehydrator is immeasurable. We dehydrate sprouted seeds, make kale chips, and use it to make yogurt. We even resurrected a moisture-ridden iPod with our dehydrator!

The Excalibur brand consistently has positive reviews. We have the 9-tray model, which works well for yogurt making, allowing plenty of room for tall mason jars. The ParaFlexx non-stick drying sheets are great to have as well.

2. Vitamix ($398-$498)

We use ours every day and have not even begun to explore the versatility of this appliance. It's a food processor, smoothie maker, flour grinder, and much more. We've used it to make nut butters, puree soups, and blend coconut milk. You can make a green juice by blending the greens and then straining through a nut milk bag. That may make Vitamix a better choice if you have to choose between a juicer and this product. Vitamix is extremely durable and easy to clean. Blendtec offers a similar product. The website Perfect Smoothie offers an interesting comparison of the two.

3. Juicer ($260-$480)

We began our juicing journey with a simple $40 juicer and had great success with it. When juicing became a regular habit we invested in the Green Star Juicer. This juicer has surpassed my expectations. There is very little waste with the Green Star, thanks to the twin gear technology. The twin gears make it safe to use and easy to reassemble. The Omega J8005 Juicer is more affordable ($260 as opposed to $480) and also gets great reviews.

4. Food Processor ($45-$170)

We use our food processor multiple times a day. A food processor cannot be beat for chopping vegetables. I can't imagine life without one! According to the website Consumer Search, the best budget food processor is the Hamilton Beach Chef Prep for less than $45. The best overall processor, according to reviewers, is the Cuisinart Prep 11 Plus for approximately $170.

5. Immersion Blender ($30)

Our family uses this tool 20-30 times per day. It's great for pureeing individual portions of soup. I use it to dissolve yogurt starter into warm milk as well as mixing eggs for egg dishes. I can't imagine our kitchen without it.

6. Coffee Grinder ($18)

This tool is useful for grinding spices, seeds, nuts, and herbs. We have tried a variety of models. They seem to break easily. So far, this is our favorite.

7. Shovel ($8)

This is a great tool for scooping up chopped vegetables and transporting them from the cutting board to the pot. It can also be used for clearing up food debris.

8. Funnel ($8)

Mason jars abound in our kitchen, and this funnel makes the transfer of liquids a breeze. This is a must-have for making soup broths, transferring oils between containers, pouring kefirs, and more. Add a mesh strainer and you can filter as you transfer.

9. VitaClay Multi-Cooker ($80)

There is a great deal of controversy surrounding slow cookers in general. Many are said to leach lead into the foods. I tested this product for lead and found none. Hamilton Beach slow cookers are said to be lead-free. I use this for cooking meats and fermented beans.

10. Spiral Vegetable Slicer ($34)

I make zucchini noodles as a substitute for pasta. Other uses include curly fries, apple slices, and carrot slices.

I took a risk last year and took a break from all our supplements. With the lack of insurance coverage and uncertainty that our compromised digestive systems were absorbing the nutrients, it made sense to try to get our nutritional boost from live, fresh foods. With the money we saved on supplements, I slowly bought each of these tools. I was intimidated with each new one. Most of them sat unopened for weeks.

Slowly I ventured into the new foods.

It's been a year of trial and error, but the experiment has more than paid for itself. We're slowly improving and enjoying more stable lives, thanks to nourishing foods.

As for me and Christmas, I'm hoping for the Cuisinart Ice Cream and Frozen Yogurt Maker to make kefir ice cream. Either that or a week in Hawaii. With my dehydrator, of course.

Thanksgiving Musings

"O Lord that lends me life,
Lend me a heart replete with thankfulness." ~William Shakespeare

"Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart." ~Seneca

"God has two dwellings; one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart." ~Izaak Walton

HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO OUR US LISTENERS AND AFFILIATES - Thursday, November 25 2010 - Today on The 'X' Zone with Rob McConnell


The following interviews can be heard starting at 10 pm - 2 am Eastern / 7 pm - 11 pm Pacific (Network 1) 2 am - 6 am Eastern / 11 pm - 2 am Pacific (Network 2) 6 pm - 10 pm Eastern / 3 pm - 7 pm Pacific on The TalkStar Radio Network from our Washington DC Affiliate at or Apple iTunes at or at The 'X' Zone Podcast website at

SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific
BENJAMIN CREME - The Star & UFO Phenomena
- Scottish-born professional artist who paints images of an inner reality perceived through meditation and claims to be a herald of "the reappearance of the Christ" at the end of the twentieth century. Born in Glasgow in 1922, early in his life Creme became attracted to theosophical literature, especially the writings of Alice A. Bailey. In the 1950s he also joined the Aetherius Society, an occult-oriented flying saucer contact group founded by George King, in which he learned a form of meditation called "transmission" meditation. Throughout the 1950s Creme was in direct contact with the Great White Brotherhood, the assembly of beings believed by Theosophists to guide the destiny of humankind. Creme claimed that in 1959 he received a telepathic communication from his own master, a member of the divine hierarchy, who told him that he would have a part to play in the return of Maitreya, the Christ. (In Theosophy, the person who walked the earth as Jesus, and is called the Christ by Christians, is identified as Maitreya, the bodhisattva whom many Buddhists expect to appear in the near future.) A constant and conscious telepathic link was established with this master, by which Creme received precise and up-to-date information about the reappearance of the Christ, which Bailey had predicted to occur toward the end of the twentieth century. -

SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific
ROBERT W MORGAN - Citizen Spy: Vatican Cover-Up: The Mob, Money-Laundering and Murder -
Robert Morgan was a loving father and rising Florida filmmaker who became enraged by drug deals on his daughter's schoolyard and decided to take things into his own hands as a confidential informant. He eventually infiltrated the Mafia for the FBI and Drug Enforcement Agency to such a level that he cost the mob a documented half-billion dollars. Citizen Spy is Morgan's expose of the most sophisticated money-laundering scheme in the history of international crime. He brings readers into the life of a spy; a little-known world fantasized on by the young and only dreamed about by most of society. Major players include infamous mobsters Joseph Bonanno, Meyer Lansky and John Charles Piazza III, all with solid links to the Five Families. Just as he patiently hunted playground drug dealers and mob targets, Morgan waited for certain crime figure family members to pass before writing Citizen Spy, fearing a hit placed on his life. Three decades later he reveals this inside world and answers the questions raised years ago in Yallop's groundbreaking In God's Name. With almost a shudder in his writing, Morgan explains the Vatican banking cover-up that forced the murder of Pope John Paul I and the curbside confession on who arranged the killing.

SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific
STEPHEN BASSETT - Alien / UFO Threat to US Nuclear Weapons Press Conference in Washington DC -
Captain Robert Salas was on duty in Montana in 1967 when a UFO shut down the nuclear missiles on his base. And he's hardly the only one to make such a claim. Today, Monday, September 27 2010, six former U.S. Air Force officers and one former enlisted man will broke their silence about similar events at the National Press Club, all centering around unidentified flying objects and nuclear missiles. They urge the government to publicly confirm the incidents, stating that they were ordered never to discuss the events. Stephen Bassett will be joining us LIVE from the National Press Club in Washington, DC. - Stephen Bassett is a leading advocate for ending the 63-year government imposed truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. He is a political activist, commentator and columnist. He is the executive director of the Paradigm Research Group and the Political Action Committee X-PPAC and the executive producer of the X-Conference. His work has been extensively covered by international media. -

SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
CHRIS RUTKOWSKI - The Big Book of UFOs -
Chris Rutkowski's name is synonymous with UFO research the world over, and this book captures his most breathtaking research, along with new and exciting accounts, that will have you questioning "are we alone in the universe?" The Big Book of UFOs is a compendium of his best and most disturbing UFO stories for enthusiastic fans everywhere, with startling evidence to make even the biggest skeptics believe. The renowned ufologist takes us on a tour of UFOs in Canada and around the world. He has studied UFOs, aliens, abductions, and even encounters reported by kids. Rutkowski offers many famous reports, such as the "ghost airplanes" seen over Canada's Parliament in 1915, but also includes many exciting new cases, secret files, and statistics, as well as lots of tidbits and trivia to keep everyone excited. Chris A. Rutkowski is a science writer who has devoted much time to investigating and studying reports of UFOs, writing about case investigations, and offering his insights into the broad UFO phenomenon. Two of his previous books published by Dundurn, Abductions and Aliens and The Canadian UFO Report, were national bestsellers. He lives just outside Winnipeg. -

Senior Executive for Broadcast / MultiMedia / Technical Services
REL-MAR McConnell Media Company
The 'X' Zone Radio Show
The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper,

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Toll Free: (800) 610-7035
Tel: (905) 575-1222
Fax: (905) 575-1222
Skype: xzoneradiotv

"When you open your mind to the impossible, YOU WILL find the Truth."

Thanksgiving Menu

The following are some highlights from our grain-free/sugar-free/fruit-free Thanksgiving dinner menu. If there's one thing I've learned in the last six months, it's that there are wonderful substitutions for our favorite foods.

Turkey Prepared with Cheesecloth
Soak a double layer of cheesecloth (enough to cover the turkey) in ghee or butter. Expeller-pressed coconut oil can also be used. (Expeller-pressed is a great cooking oil because of its neutral flavor. It truly doesn't taste like coconut!) Drape the cheesecloth over the bird. Baste occasionally and remove the cheesecloth one hour before taking the bird out of the oven.

I'm using a recipe provided by, which includes:

4 cups coarsely chopped peeled yellow onion
4 cups de-strung, coarsely chopped celery
2 cups almond flour
2 jumbo eggs
4-6 tablespoons poultry seasoning blend
2 teaspoons baking soda

Green Beans
Stir-fried in expeller-pressed coconut oil with garlic, lemon zest, lemon juice and seasonings.

Mashed Cauliflower
Our oldest daughter has achieved a recipe that honestly tastes just like mashed potatoes!

- At least 2 heads cauliflower, steamed until very soft
- Chicken broth
- Boiled chicken (can't have too much)
- Basil (dried is fine)
- A few garlic cloves, pressed or minced
- Salt and pepper

Steam cauliflower, then transfer into some chicken broth. Add garlic. Add boiled chicken and puree (we love our stick blender for this). Add basil and salt and pepper to taste.

Try to serve right away, but can keep in the oven to warm. Does not do well for leftovers.

Crustless, Gluten-free Pumpkin Pie
2 eggs
2 c. fresh cooked pumpkin or 1 can pumpkin
1/4 c. stevia or sweetener of choice
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ground ginger
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1/2 tsp. allspice
1/8 tsp. ground cloves
1 2/3 c. coconut milk
1/4 c. sprouted almond flour or coconut flour

Heat oven to 425 degrees. Beat eggs slightly; beat in remaining ingredients. Place pie plate on oven rack; pour in filling. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Bake 15 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees. Bake until knife comes out clean, approx. 45 minutes.

Pumpkin Muffins
12 eggs
1/2 c. coconut oil or ghee, melted
1 c. pumpkin puree or other squash puree
Stevia or other sweetener
3 tsp. cinnamon
1 1/2 tsp. ginger
1/2 tsp. salt
1 c. coconut flour

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Mix dry ingredients and set aside. Beat eggs and add other wet ingredients. Combine and whisk until lumps are gone. Scoop into muffin tins and bake 15-20 minutes.

Homemade Peppermint Patties
Back by popular demand, our peppermint patty recipe from Halloween. We use carob, cacao, and stevia.

Wednesday, November 24 2010: Today on The 'X' Zone with Rob McConnell

The following interviews can be heard starting at 10 pm - 2 am Eastern / 7 pm - 11 pm Pacific (Network 1) 2 am - 6 am Eastern / 11 pm - 2 am Pacific (Network 2) 6 pm - 10 pm Eastern / 3 pm - 7 pm Pacific on The TalkStar Radio Network from our Washington DC Affiliate at or Apple iTunes at or at The 'X' Zone Podcast website at

SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific
ROB CATLIN - The Canadian Side of Superman -
Superman leapt from comic books to radio serials in the 1940s, and on to the television screen by the 1950s. At the beginning of each episode a breathless announcer proclaimed that the caped superhero would once again defend "Truth, Justice and the American Way." Who would have thought that this great American hero was a Canadian creation? Superman's creator, Joe Shuster, came up with the idea of a "strange visitor from another planet with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men" with his buddy, Jerry Siegel, when the pair were only seventeen years old. Shuster, the Toronto-born cartoonist, was living in Cleveland at the time, but most of his family (including cousin Frank, whose own fame would come as half of Canada's "Wayne and Shuster" comedy team) lived north of the border. According to the novelist Mordecai Richler, Shuster's Superman is a perfect expression of the Canadian psyche. The mighty "man of steel" hides his extraordinary strength, speed, and superhuman powers under the bland, self-effacing guise of the weak and clumsy Clark Kent. He is a hero who does not take any credit for his own heroism, a glamorous figure in cape and tights who is content to live his daily life in horn-rimmed glasses and brown suits. Richler wryly suggests that Superman, with his modest alter-ego, is the archetypal Canadian personality who became a "universal hero," famed throughout the world as the champion of everything virtuous. -

SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific
ELIZABETH JOYCE - What She Predicted for 2010 and 2012 -
Elizabeth Joyce grew up in Ridgewood, New Jersey. At eight years old, Elizabeth's psychic powers were revealed to her family when she announced that the elderly tenant upstairs had died. (She died within three days of this prediction) Elizabeth's grandmother, Ella Russell Hemphill from Warner, New Hampshire, was herself a medium and recognized Elizabeth's gift at age five, when Elizabeth spent a year living with her. Priscilla, Elizabeth's mother, grew up in a spiritual home where visions were commonplace. Although she herself was not psychic, Priscilla accepted it as "the gift of knowledge" as she did not like the word "psychic". She was a bit afraid of the circumstances as she was a strong Christian and felt this "gift" was not readily accepted by the public. She did not welcome more eccentricity in her life, however, and would do nothing to encourage it in her daughter, the last born of two sets of identical twins. Their lifelong relationship very close and loving, but Elizabeth became estranged from her sisters at her mother's death in 1991. Thousands of people have witnessed Elizabeth Joyce's incredible psychic powers on TV shows such as Unsolved Mysteries, Beyond Chance and The Psychic Detectives; She is a frequent guest on radio shows across the country and is now a "regular" on the X-Zone Radio with Rob McConnell. She has been profiled in Women's Day Magazine, Wall Street Magazine, The National Enquirer, The New York Times and other national media. Elizabeth is the author of numerous articles and guided meditation audio cassettes. Her book Psychic Attack-Are You A Victim h by IUniverse (Oct. 2007) is doing well. Her second book, Ascension - Accessing The 5th Dimension (preparing for 2012 and beyond) will be released this fall. Ms. Joyce is a member of the Academy of Religion and Psychical Research; profiled in seven books, three of which are The Psychic Yellow Pages (2001) by Dr. Hans Holzer, The World's Greatest Psychics (2004) by Francine Hornberger, and the Akashic Who's Who of Psychics, Mediums and Healers (2005) by Victorialynn Weston. Elizabeth Joyce is recognized for her clairvoyant ability to help find missing persons, dream analysis, past-life regression work, mediumship, astounding psychic gifts, accurate predictions and spiritual guidance. Elizabeth is the founder of her organization, Visions of Reality, and teaches classes and seminars on improving your psychic and intuitive abilities. Elizabeth Joyce founded the Bucks County Metaphysical Association located in Doylestown, Pennsylvania; a non-profit organization dedicated to the knowledge and growth of understanding metaphysics. The BCMA is building a metaphysical library for the county's use and donates proceeds from it's functions to local charities. -

SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific
ROB McCONNELL - THE END OF WORLD SCENARIO OF 12.21. 2012 Is Nothing But A Bunch Of Bunk... A Scam... A Scheme... & A Way To RIP YOU OFF! -
From the front page of the November 2009 Edition of The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper: Millions of people around this tiny planet of ours are convinced and hard core believers that on December 21, 2012, the world will be coming to end which is based on a movement perpetrated by a growing group of people who only have one goal and that is to scare the heck out of you and to spend your hard earned money on their books, CD's, lectures, workshops, seminars, survival products, end-of-the-world shelters, and the list goes on and on and on. The recent movie 2012 which was released in major theatres Internationally, made a lot of money, but did not win over as many people to the "End of the World 2012" belief as the hard core believers had hoped. Let's face it 'X' Zone Nation, it was a movie, that had one main purpose:?TO?MAKE?MONEY... and it did, thanks to you. Whether you want to admit it or not, you have bought into the 2012 hype. Um... how much money did you spend seeing the movie? Hmm... let's see. The average cost of admission for two to see 2012 The Movie, $25.00; snacks and movie viewing accessories at the theatre $30.00; munch &?crunch before or after the movie $50.00; babysitting $40.00. Congratulations 'X' Zone Nation, you have just supported the movie industry and your local economy to the tune of $145.00. Industry insiders in the publishing industry have reported that End of Time, 2012, Prophecy, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and books which talk about doom, gloom and global destruction, have increased in the last 6 months by 47%. Sales of the Bible and other religious books have increased by 51% in the same period. I can just imaging all the believers of the 2012 DGD (Doom, Gloom, Destruction) smiling thinking that they are winning - NOT! What is actually happening is that people who are investigating the 2012 DGD are seeing that the entire concept is based on fiction and not substantiated by any scientific data at all. What is really happening is that people are educating themselves, learning history, religious philosophy, astronomy, and other accredited sciences. New and great minds of the world are starting to shine through the web of lies and deceit perpetrated by so called experts and internet doctors and scholars. In the articles that I?have included in this edition of The 'X' Chronicles, the truth of winter solstice of December 21 2012 is our mission. We call it, "2012: REVEALED." The rest of the story is in the November 2009 edition of The 'X' Chronicles - AVAILABLE 11.23.2009! -

SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
J ALLAN DANELEK - What's With The Obsession About Doomsday? -
From 2012 to global warming to worldwide pandemics, doomsday scenarios play an increasingly large role in our lives, from daily news headlines to Hollywood movies. Do any of these apocalyptic scenarios pose a real, urgent risk? Why does our modern culture continue to embrace these bleak beliefs, and how are they affecting our world? Separating hype from truth, J. Allan Danelek scrutinizes the ancient Mayan calendar's end date of 2012 and takes a hard look at whether it spells the end of the world--or a new beginning. Danelek also delves into other doomsday beliefs past and present, from biblical end-times prophecies to biological warfare, and discusses the predictions of world-famous prophets such as Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce. Former U.S. navy navigator and author of several books examining our fascination with the paranormal, Danelek has appeared on The 'X' Zone many times and is a member in 'X'cellent standing of The 'X' Zone Nation. -

Senior Executive for Broadcast / MultiMedia / Technical Services
REL-MAR McConnell Media Company
The 'X' Zone Radio Show
The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper,

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Toll Free: (800) 610-7035
Tel: (905) 575-1222
Fax: (905) 575-1222
Skype: xzoneradiotv

"When you open your mind to the impossible, YOU WILL find the Truth."

Tuesday, November 23 2010: Today on The 'X' Zone with Rob McConnell

The following interviews can be heard starting at 10 pm - 2 am Eastern / 7 pm - 11 pm Pacific (Network 1) 2 am - 6 am Eastern / 11 pm - 2 am Pacific (Network 2) 6 pm - 10 pm Eastern / 3 pm - 7 pm Pacific on The TalkStar Radio Network from our Washington DC Affiliate at or Apple iTunes at or at The 'X' Zone Podcast website at

SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific
GLEN KREISBERG - Lost Knowledge of the Ancients -
Glenn Kreisberg, editor of the Author of the Month page at, is a radio frequency engineer, writer, researcher, and licensed outdoor guide and currently serves as the vice president of the New England Antiquities Research Association. The author of numerous articles and papers, including Lithic Mysteries of the Northeast, he is the founder and editor of the alternative science and history website He lives in Woodstock, New York, with his wife and two children. -

SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific
LAIRD SCRANTON - Dogon Mythology -
Laird Scranton is an independent software designer who became interested in Dogon mythology and symbolism in the early 1990s. He has studied ancient myth, language, and cosmology for nearly 10 years and has been a lecturer at Colgate University. He also appears in John Anthony West's Magical Egypt DVD series. He lives in Albany, New York. -

SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific
LEN KASTEN - UFO Researcher -
Len Kasten is a UFO researcher and freelance writer. He intensively studied the Edgar Cayce Readings at the A.R.E. in Virginia Beach and has been a lifelong devotee of astrology and theosophy. He is a former member of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) and the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), and he is the president of the American Philosopher Society. He has been a feature writer, with more than 50 published articles, for Atlantis Rising magazine. He lives in Casa Grande, Arizona. -

SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
FRANK JOSEPH - Maya Calendar Predictions for 2012 -
Frank Joseph has published more books about the lost civilization of Atlantis than any other writer in history. They have been translated into fifteen foreign languages around the world. He was the editor-in-chef of Ancient American magazine for fourteen years from its inception in 1993, and is currently a feature writer for The Barnes Review and Atlantis Rising. His series of four Internet broadcast interviews with Shirley MacLaine were among dozens of similar appearances featuring Frank Joseph in the U.S. and Japan, where he was inducted into Kyushu's Savant Society. A member of Chicago's Underwater Archaeology Society and the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, he is a veteran scuba diver with hundreds of sub-surface dives from the Aegean Sea and Canary Islands to the Bahamas and Polynesia. He lives today with his wife, Laura, and Norwegian Forest Cat, Sammy, in the Upper Mississippi River Valley of the United States. -

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