Tuesday, December 28 2010: Today on The 'X' Zone with Rob McConnell

The following interviews can be heard starting at 10 pm - 2 am Eastern / 7 pm - 11 pm Pacific (Network 1) 2 am - 6 am Eastern / 11 pm - 2 am Pacific (Network 2) 6 pm - 10 pm Eastern / 3 pm - 7 pm Pacific on The TalkStar Radio Network from our Washington DC Affiliate at http://radiotime.com/WebTuner.aspx?StationId=100596&ProgramId=149441& or Apple iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=295327298 or at The 'X' Zone Podcast website at http://www.xzonepodcast.com/

SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific
KATE MUCCI - Chemtrails - Kate Mucci is a harp player, author, and co-producer and host of Matrix TV News, a weekly one hour alternative newsmagazine airing on the America One Network in the U.S. and on Controversial TV in the U.K.. Being on the air since August, 2001 has given Kate an inside track with many of the foremost researchers in the fields of alternative (REAL) history, health freedom and many environmental issues, including the mysterious and dangerous chemtrails, about which she is talking today. - www.matrixnewsnetwork.com and www.thehealingsoundofmusic.com

SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific
LEE BOYLAND - Islamic Terrorism, Iran's Nuclear Weapons Program - Lee Boyland earned a degree in nuclear engineering, then entered active duty as an officer in the U.S. Army Ordnance Corps. A graduate of the U.S. Navy's Explosive and Nuclear Ordnance Disposal Schools, Boyland was assigned to the Defense Atomic Support Agency in Albuquerque, NM. A member of DASA's Nuclear Emergency Team responsible for nuclear weapons accidents including rendering safe of armed nuclear warheads, he had access to the design details of every nuclear and thermonuclear warhead developed by the United States through the Mark 63 warhead. His duties took him to the Nevada Test Site on many occasions. After leaving the Army, he designed conventional and special ordnance, and later demilitarized chemical weapons at Rocky Mountain Arsenal and Tooele Army Depot. Mr. Boyland has detailed knowledge and understanding of advanced weapons systems. He made the transition from weapons to hazardous waste management by applying aerospace combustion technology to incineration of Agent Orange. He has worked for large companies, started a successful business, and bought and sold businesses for large companies. In addition to his novels, he has had many technical articles published, and is the author of a chapter in the Biohazards Management Handbook, and wrote the Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens Training Series marked by Fisher Scientific. He represented the U.S. as an engineer on a technology exchange team sent to China, October-November 2003. - www.leeboylandbooks.com

SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific
WILLIAM MURTHA - Dying For A Change - William Murtha is a writer, philanthropist and activist for issues related to personal, social and global transformation. The father of three daughters, he lives close to the coast in Devon, a UK county on the western fringes of Britain. He is a speaker and co-ordinator for the South-West region of British based Scientific and Medical Network, a forum which explores the frontiers of science, consciousness and spirituality. To read (free) preview chapters of his first published book, Dying for a Change, go to: www.transformationmediaboooks.com . William Murtha's gripping talk, Dying for a Change, based on the book and true account about his fight to survive hypothermia in the freezing cold waters off the coast of Britain, will astound and astonish. At a crucial time when his life was rapidly spiralling out of control, William was swept off his push-bike and out to sea by a twenty-foot freak wave. Drowning, losing consciousness and convinced that this was the end, he relived many pivotal moments from his past and experienced a life-changing conversation with a Higher Presence. William's compelling talk will inspire those attending to come face-to-face with their deepest fears about death and dying, and it challenges perceptions about emotions, life, God, miracles and why we are here. He will also share how a one in a billion miracle, (which was featured on the BBC's 999 TV series with Michael Burke), saved his life. www.williammurtha.com

SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
JOSEPH PETERSON - Arbatel: Concerning the Magic of the Ancients - In many ways, Arbatel is unique among texts on magic. Unlike the vast majority of writings, it is clear, concise, and elegantly written. The practical instructions are straightforward and undemanding. When it first appeared in 1575, it attracted the attention of people with a surprisingly broad range of agendas, including some of the finest minds of the time. Often quoted and reprinted, both praised and condemned, its impact on western esoteric philosophy has been called "overwhelming." Arbatel's magic is full of wonder and free from the sinister elements usually associated with texts on the subject. But it is about more than magic; filled with gnomic wisdom, it urges us to help our neighbors, be positive and grateful, and use time wisely. Above all, it teaches us to pay attention, looking for the wondrous and miraculous. In fact, to the author this virtually defines the magus. Included are illustrations, bibliography, index, and original Latin text. Arbatel, which first appeared in 1575, is often quoted and reprinted, both praised and condemned, its impact on western esoteric philosophy has been called "overwhelming." It's magic is full of wonder and free from the sinister elements usually associated with texts on the subject. But it is about more than magic; filled with gnomic wisdom, it urges us to help our neighbors, be positive and grateful, and use time wisely. Above all, it teaches us to pay attention, looking for the wondrous and miraculous. Joseph H. Peterson has translated many esoteric and religious sourceworks. He has amassed a large collection of copies of rare and occult tracts for comparative research from the British Library and other institutions, which he shares at his award-winning websites www.esotericarchives.com

The 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show

The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper,

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