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PRLog (Press Release) - Oct 09, 2011 - e following is the Radio / TV / Cable / Internet / Satellite Broadcast Schedule or The 'X' Zone Radio Show hosted by Rob McConnell from the broadcast facilities of REL-MAR McConnell Media Company in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
The 'X' Zone Radio Show Podcasts are also available at Apple iTunes and The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell can be heard on Boxee, Roku, Podcaster, Blubrry, SonyTV and AppleTV.
SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific PMH ATWATER - The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences:
The Ultimate Guide to What Happens When We Die
SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific DR. HAROLD KATZ - The 10 Germiest Places in Your Life! Bacteriologist Reveals Surprising Places Where Germs Are Waiting To Make You Sick
SEGMENT 3: 12 pm - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific ROBERT LANCASTER -
SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific TARA GREENE - Tarot Card Readings
SEGMENT 5: 02 am - 03 am Eastern / 11 pm - 12 am Pacific LT. ERIC SHINE - Lt. Eric Shine Nails U.S. Coast Guard for Military Tribunals over U.S. Civilians - and now they're Retaliating
SEGMENT 6: 03 am - 04 am Eastern / 12 am - 01 am Pacific DALTON WALKER - A Very Strange and Unusual Rock
SEGMENT 7: 04 am - 05 am Eastern / 01 am - 02 am Pacific PAUL WRIGHT - Prison Profiteers
SEGMENT 8: 05 am - 06 am Eastern / 02 am - 03 am Pacific DOUGALL FRASER - Psychic, Clairvoyant & Author
The 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - The Paranormal Broadcast Network - The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network - The 'X' Zone Podcasts - The 'X' Zone Newsroom - The 'X' Zone Order of Woo Woo's -
The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell - SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9 2011 - 441 Days Left To December 21 2012
The following is the Radio / TV / Cable / Internet / Satellite Broadcast Schedule for The 'X' Zone Radio Show hosted by Rob McConnell from the broadcast facilities of REL-MAR McConnell Media Company in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
The 'X' Zone Radio Show Podcasts are also available at Apple iTunes and The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell can be heard on Boxee, Roku, Podcaster, Blubrry, SonyTV and AppleTV.
SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific MICHELLE WHITEDOVE - Michelle Is The Winner Of America's Psychic Challenge! - Naturally gifted since childhood, Michelle has many God given talents. These abilities enable her to connect with her Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides to give clear and accurate information about Personal Issues, World Events, and the Future. She has a 98% accuracy rate with her readings. As a CLAIRVOYANT (clear seeing) Michelle receives visions of people, places, things, and of the past, present & future, she is CLAIRAUDIENT (clear hearing) listening to messages from the other side, CLAIRSENTIENT (psychic senses of smelling, tasting, and feeling) , as an EMPATH she takes on the sensations of the physical and emotional states of being. Michelle's ability as a SPIRIT-MEDIUM is astounding and contacting departed loved ones is a rare gift. With one foot in the spirit realm and one on the earth plane, she is able to see and converse with spirits that have crossed to the other side. These souls communicate telepathically through feelings and pictures. No words exist which can describe the intensity of this communication. This direct connection helps many people put closure to relationships, healing their hearts by knowing that our soul is eternal and our loved ones do indeed survive death. As a MEDICAL INTUITIVE, Michelle can see into the physical body and advise her client to seek appropriate medical help. Spiritual and Physical Healing is a gift Michelle uses when spirit calls her to do so. As an intuitive healer she is able to see the physical or emotional problems within the persons being. Through prayer, her compassion towards the sick opens a healing force from the heavens, causing many patients to release pain and suffering. Using all of her gifts, as a PSYCHIC DETECTIVE Michelle can help to solve crimes, disappearances, and mysteries. She is able to give previously unknown information by creating a "Psychic Profile" to help investigators and relatives unravel the truth about events that occurred.
SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific CAROL TAYLOR - Niagara Area Paranormal Society - Carol Taylor is a 42 year old mother of 3 who resides in Welland, Ontario. As a very young child Carol had a gift for communicating with those who were deceased. Not only could she see and hear people who crossed over but she started to have visions and precognitive experiences of future events as well. Due to activity her own homes growing up, Carol started to investigate on her own when she was in her early teens. About 6 years ago, Carol decided to take this a step further and she opened up a community group online in MSN where she taught people how to research and investigate activity in their own homes as well as develop their psychic abilities. A few years ago, Carol made the decision to leave MSN groups and created another updated and expanded website. This new website provides a safe haven for those who are experiencing paranormal phenomena and wish an objective, open platform in which to express their concerns and get the help they seek. Carol also started to teach psychic development locally. After many years of investigating on her own, Carol founded the group Niagara Area Paranormal Society. They currently have 4 members on their team and are looking to expand. They investigate paranormal phenomena mostly at private residences in and around the Niagara Region.
SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific ELIZABETH JOYCE - Psychic Readings - Elizabeth Joyce grew up in Ridgewood, New Jersey. At eight years old, Elizabeth's psychic powers were revealed to her family when she announced that the elderly tenant upstairs had died. (She died within three days of this prediction) Elizabeth's grandmother, Ella Russell Hemphill from Warner, New Hampshire, was herself a medium and recognized Elizabeth's gift at age five, when Elizabeth spent a year living with her. Thousands of people have witnessed Elizabeth Joyce's incredible psychic powers on TV shows such as Unsolved Mysteries, Beyond Chance and The Psychic Detectives; She is a frequent guest on radio shows across the country and is now a "regular" on the X-Zone Radio with Rob McConnell. She has been profiled in Women's Day Magazine, Wall Street Magazine, The National Enquirer, The New York Times and other national media. Elizabeth is the author of numerous articles and guided meditation audio cassettes. Her book Psychic Attack-Are You A Victim has just been released by IUniverse. (Oct. 2007) Ms. Joyce is a member of the Academy of Religion and Psychical Research; profiled in six books, three of which are The Psychic Yellow Pages (2001) by Dr. Hans Holzer, The World's Greatest Psychics (2004) by Francine Hornberger, and the Akashic Who's Who of Psychics, Mediums and Healers (2005) by Victorialynn Weston. Elizabeth Joyce is recognized for her clairvoyant ability to help find missing persons, dream analysis, past-life regression work, mediumship, astounding psychic gifts, accurate predictions and spiritual guidance. Elizabeth is the founder of her organization, Visions of Reality, and teaches classes and seminars on improving your psychic and intuitive abilities. Elizabeth Joyce has just founded the Bucks County Metaphysical Association located in Doylestown, Pennsylvania; a non-profit organization dedicated to the knowledge and growth of understanding metaphysics. The BCMA is building a metaphysical library for the county's use and donates proceeds from it's functions to local charities.
SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific JULIE SCANDORA - Parents, Are You Listening or Lecturing? - We want to know that our children are safe and that they are happy. The only way we can ever truly know that everything is as it should be in their lives is through talking with them and hearing what they say. But are we tuning out what our kids are really telling us? Or worse still, are we creating an environment in which they feel unable to come to us for help? Teacher and author Julie Scandora says that parents need to treat children with respect to ensure a trusting relationship.
SEGMENT 5: 02 am - 03 am Eastern / 11 pm - 12 am Pacific TANIA GABRIELLE - Numerologist Predicts Nominees - Heck, the pollsters can't get it right, why not ask anumerologist who's got the inside track to the White House? Tania Gabrielle will reveal the one thing Barack Obama has against him and what's behind his bond with Oprah. She'll also tell you who is likely to win the Obama/Clinton face-off and why, and which candidate's name suggests he may lack patience, tact and timing. Gabrielle will also reveal which Republican possesses the magic "media number" and is set for an amazing personal year in 2008. Gabrielle uses Pythagorean and Chaldean systems of numerology to provide entertaining and highly revealing insights into the strengths, weaknesses and overall prospects of all the candidates. She developed a fascination with numerology while a student at Amherst College and now writes a newsletter about celebrities and politicians, noting how the numbers in their names and birthdays explain what's going on in their lives.
SEGMENT 6: 03 am - 04 am Eastern / 12 am - 01 am Pacific TIM WARD - The Origins and Myths of Valentine's Day - Did you know that Cupid is the son of Aphrodite - the goddess of love? Tim Ward JOINS US TONIGHT ON The 'X' Zone so you, The 'X' Zone Nation can find out more about the history of Valentine's Day. An expert on ancient goddesses, Ward spent six years researching the myths of Aphrodite and other divinities, and the roles they play in the lives of modern men and women. He'll explain how any woman can get in touch with her inner Aphrodite and why men want a love goddess but are afraid of marrying her. Ward is the author of several books including "Arousing the Goddess: Sex and Love in the Buddhist Ruins of India," "What the Buddha Never Taught," and his latest, "Savage Breast: One Man's Search for the Goddess."
SEGMENT 7: 04 am - 05 am Eastern / 01 am - 02 am Pacificc KATHI McKNIGHT - Handwriting Reveals Sex Secrets - Learn more about your potential date or mate by looking at their handwriting. - Kathi McKnight will reveal what this amazingly accurate science can tell you in 5 minutes that might save you years of heartache. Kathi shares which letter reveals the 9 secret sex traits that are found in handwriting and you will love hearing what she has to say about your handwriting. Kathi has analyzed the handwritings of thousands of people from movie stars to psycho killers. She'll give away free signature analyses to 5 lucky listeners (a $125 Value) and tell you how you can change your writing to change your life. Your little 't's do tell tall tails according to this expert! Kathi has been featured in magazines, TV and radio, and interviewed for a high profile murder trial. She has written, "Rate Your Date Before You Mate: 72 Handwriting Analysis Tips."
SEGMENT 8: 05 am - 06 am Eastern / 02 am - 03 am Pacific RALPH ELLIS - The History That They DON'T Want You To Know and How The Scientific Community, Archaeologists and Theologians Have Been Feeding You Misinformation. - Adam and Eve were Pharaoh Akhenaton and Nefertiti ?? It would seem that the Israelites were not just in Egypt, they were Egyptians themselves. Now this is not fanciful material, it is all well researched and backed up by copious amounts of historical data. If anything people say there is too much data, but you cannot make revolutionary claims without copious evidence. Ralph Ellis claims he can forcefully argue each and every point - proving his point!
Contact REL-MAR McConnell Meia Company if you would like a professionaly produced Christmas Video for your website! Email
Fact is Stranger Tahn Fiction! REL-MAR McConnell Media Company of Hamilton, Ontario Release Video That Exposes Missile Strike on The Pentagon on September 11 2001.
Since September 11 2001 there has been a great controversy as to whether the attacks on America were those of terrorists using commercial airlines as flying bombs or if the attack on America and Americans was actually perpetrated by agents and or agencies working within the government.
In this video which was produced by REL-MAR McConnell Media Company - News Division - a frame by frame analysis is done from video taken from a camera with a direct view of the Pentagon when the September 11 2001 attack took place.
What you are about to see is real - there are no special effects whatsoever.
The video and slides will show on the right side of the frame on specific video frames that there is no aircraft however, subsequent frames, which have marked, shows NOT a plane, civilian, commercial or military, but according to military and aviation experts a MISSILE, followed by the explosion at the Pentagon.
This frame by frame slide / video presentation clearly shows that it was not a commercial aircraft that struck the Pentagon but a missile.
Included in this video are news reports which describe the explosion at The Pentagon as reported by mainstream media and a 9-11 Commissioner who called the explosion from a Missile and then quickly corrected himself.
As I have said since starting an in-depth investigation into the events of 9/11, "The best place to hide the truth is right in front of those that you are trying to deceive."
The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell - SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 2011 - 442 Days Left To December 21 2012
PRLog (Press Release) - Oct 08, 2011 - The 'X' Zone Radio Show Podcasts are also available at Apple iTunes and The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell can be heard on Boxee, Roku, Podcaster, Blubrry, SonyTV and AppleTV.
The following is the Radio / TV / Cable / Internet / Satellite Broadcast Schedule for The 'X' Zone Radio Show hosted by Rob McConnell from the broadcast facilities of REL-MAR McConnell Media Company in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific TIMOTHY PAUL JONES - Conspiracies and the Cross -In addition to bachelor's and master's degrees in biblical literature and pastoral ministry, Timothy Paul Jones has earned the doctorate in educational leadership from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific ROCHELLE SPARROW - Channeling President John F Kennedy - Rochelle is an internationally known psychic trance channel who appeared on television's Let's Talk Paranormal with Tracie Austin Peters and was a guest on The Pat McMahon Show, here in Arizona.
SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 1 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific JOHN JAY HARPER - Solar Storms Are About to Get Ugly - Every 11 years or so, the sun gets a little pissy. It breaks out in a rash of planet-sized sunspots that spew superhot gas, hurling clouds of electrons, protons, and heavier ions toward Earth at nearly the speed of light. These solar windstorms have been known to knock out power grids and TV broadcasts, and our growing reliance on space-based technology makes us more vulnerable than ever to their effects. On January 3, scientists discovered a reverse-polarity sunspot, signaling the start of a new cycle - and some are predicting that at its peak (in about four years) things are gonna get nasty. Here's a forecast for 2012.
SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 2 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific PATRICK COOKE - The Cooke Report - Patrick Cooke is an independent theologian, author, publisher, and researcher in the fields of ufology, exotheology, eschatology, the paranormal, ancient artifacts, Bible and Church history and doctrines, and world conditions. His most widely-read work is the Bible UFO Connection website:, a unique and wide-ranging database on UFOs; focusing on presenting proof of a relationship between the occupants of UFOs and mankind's history and future. we already have over 500 articles for the month of May in our "Real News section here.
SEGMENT 5: 02 am - 03 pm / 11 pm - 12 am Pacific PATTY POBANZ - Spiritual Expert Shares How to Make This Year the Happiest One Yet - Patty Pobanz is a native of Southern California. Having formerly worked for Fortune 500 companies such as Xerox and the Walt Disney Corporation, Patty became a successful businesswoman on her own terms; opening a women's fitness centre and also becoming a respected Wellness Consultant and Life Coach Speaker.
SEGMENT 6: 03 am - 04 am Eastern / 12 am - 01 am Pacific ELIZABETH HANKINS - Olympics Could Save Darfur - Elizabeth worked in the energy industry for five years, part of which was spent as a corporate journalist and speechwriter. She switched gears in the early nineties and headed up a young family ministry at a local megachurch. A couple years later, she began consulting and writing for churches and other religious non-profits undergoing change. SEGMENT 7: 04 am - 05 am Eastern / 01 am - 02 am Pacific DICK DEBOLD - Veteran and Author Uses History to Ignite the Debate - America is entrenched in a war with Iraq. Some are eyeing another possible conflict in Iran. Throughout history, there are numerous examples of the United States intervening in the affairs of Sovereign Nations for our own benefit. Has the policy of selective intervention been fully advantageous for the U.S. or simply the catalyst for getting us into the wars we are currently fighting, including the War on Terror? Scholar and Korean War Veteran Dick DeBold encourages Americans to use his new book, "The Banana Shooter II," to think about the United States' actions in foreign affairs. Dick DeBold is a Navy Veteran, retired college dean and author, whose latest book is entitled "The Banana Shooter II." It is a fictionalization of a true story about the Banana Wars of Nicaragua in the 1920's, during the U.S. occupation. DeBold knew the main character, Robert Chance Frye (not his real name), in the Merchant Service. DeBold attained his various degrees from the University of California Berkeley and Yale and served as a professor at different institutions, including Harvard.
SEGMENT 8: 05 am - 06 am Eastern / 02 am - 03 am Pacific AMETHYST WYLDFYRE - Working with Angels - Amethyst Wyldfyre awakened to the re-membrance of my psychic lineage in 2002 and began the long process of learning to be open, aware and fearless in using these gifts. When I was a child my mother often would say that she was very psychic and that my great grand mother read the tea leaves to her when she was young. I believe we are all born with intutitive and psychic abilities, however we are conditioned to deny these gifts and to conform to the collective belief that the only way to God is through an intermediary. When our gifts aren't recognized they can lie dormant for years and begin to atrophy like unused muscles. Part of the work of awakening to our multi-dimensional senses is recognizing how and when Spirit speaks to us and bringing our awareness to our gifts, practicing and honing them like a personal trainer would do with the body.
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The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell - FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7 2011 - 443 Days Left To December 21 2012
PRLog (Press Release) - Oct 07, 2011 - The following is the Radio / TV / Cable / Internet / Satellite Broadcast Schedule for The 'X' Zone Radio Show hosted by Rob McConnell from the broadcast facilities of REL-MAR McConnell Media Company in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
The 'X' Zone Radio Show Podcasts are also available at Apple iTunes and The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell can be heard on Boxee, Roku, Podcaster, Blubrry, SonyTV and AppleTV.
SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific DAVID JOHN OATES - Reverse Speech - David John Oates, an Australian aged 54 years, is the founder and developer of Reverse Speech technologies. He was the first person to ever document speech reversals in human speech in 1983 and has worked extensively since then on research and development, as well as maintaining a therapeutic and consulting practice. David has had an active career spanning 24 years, furthering the field of Reverse Speech as his full time occupation. He has developed new theories, and designed therapeutic and training techniques. He has published several books on Reverse Speech, including "Beyond Backward Masking", "Voices From The Unconscious" and "Its Only A Metaphor", and numerous tapes and training manuals. -
SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific DR BERNARD HAISCH, PhD - Believing in God and Science in The Purpose-Guided Universe - Bernard Haisch, Ph.D., is an astrophysicist and author of over 130 scientific publications. He served as a scientific editor of the Astrophysical Journal for ten years, and was Principal Investigator on several NASA research projects. After earning his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Haisch did postdoctoral research at the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, University of Colorado at Boulder and the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. -
SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific ELIZABETH JOYCE- Psychic - Elizabeth Joyce grew up in Ridgewood, New Jersey. At eight years old, Elizabeth's psychic powers were revealed to her family when she announced that the elderly tenant upstairs had died. (She died within three days of this prediction) Elizabeth's grandmother, Ella Russell Hemphill from Warner, New Hampshire, was herself a medium and recognized Elizabeth's gift at age five, when Elizabeth spent a year living with her. Thousands of people have witnessed Elizabeth Joyce's incredible psychic powers on TV shows such as Unsolved Mysteries, Beyond Chance and The Psychic Detectives; She is a frequent guest on radio shows across the country and is now a "regular" on the X-Zone Radio with Rob McConnell.
SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific IMAM OMAR HAZIM - Islam In The Heartland of America - Imam Omar Hazim is the Imam of the Islamic Center of Topeka. He is the Islamic advisor to the Kansas Dept. of Corrections, and has served in this position since 1990. Hazim accepted Islam in 1962 under the leadership of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. He served as a minister under Elijah Muhammad's son Minister Nathaniel Muhammad. Afterward he served directly for Elijah Muhammad as a minister. He has been a student of Imam W. Deen Mohammed since 1975. Imam Hazim is a builder by trade, and has helped to establish many mosques and Islamic Centers in the Kansas City, and Topeka, area over the past 47 years. He is also one of the founders of the Islamic Center of Topeka.
SEGMENT 5: 02 am - 03 pm / 11 pm - 12 am Pacific TINA FIRODA and TILDE CAMERON - Ouija Boards - As children, sisters Tina Fiorda and Tilde Cameron have had many experiences of the other realm that have confused them at times but sparked their interest in the spiritual realm. It was their insatiable curiosity in this area that first caused them to begin experimenting with a Ouija board in their early teenage years. For years they played with the Ouija board, asking it questions that centered around love interests and future predictions; never taking it very seriously, until one day they were introduced to three entities who were not of this world. From that day forward, the messages they received were of a completely different nature.
SEGMENT 6: 03 am - 04 am Eastern / 12 am - 01 am Pacific NICK REDFERN - Contactees: A History of Alien -human Interaction : We are not alone…and Nick Redfern can prove it. Contactees contains the fascinating stories of the select group of people chosen by visitors to Earth to spread their message. Are aliens really among us? Don't be too quick to dismiss their claims. Truman Bethurum was divorced by his wife because she believed he was having close encounters of a very personal kind with a beautiful extraterrestrial "space captain" named Aura Rhanes. Is he nuts? Prescient? An omen? A band of eerily human-looking, blond-haired aliens-later known as the Space-Brothers-informed other contactees that they were concerned by our warlike ways and wished us to live in peace with one another. Acting on the advice of the Space-Brothers, contactees such as George Van Tassel and George Adamski went out and spread the extraterrestrial word to anyone and everyone who would listen. And many did, including U.S. government agencies.
SEGMENT 7: 04 am - 05 am Eastern / 01 am - 02 am Pacific DENNIS BALTHASER - Piracy within the UFO Community - As a young man, Dennis Balthaser would look into the night sky and wonder at the secrets it held. Some years later Dennis bought a book about UFOs and his wonder turned to investigation. Today he has a library with over 90 books in reference to ufology. Dennis served 3 years ('59-62) with the United States Army in the 815th Engineering Battalion. After some 33 years in Civil Engineering, Dennis retired from the Texas Department of Transportation in 1996. Having been keenly interested in the Roswell Incident of 1947, Dennis decided to move to Roswell, New Mexico, to pursue his avocation: Ufology. -
SEGMENT 8: 05 am - 06 am Eastern / 02 am - 03 am Pacific LOYD AUERBACH - Director of the Office of Paranormal Investigations - and author of A PARANORMAL CASEBOOK: Ghost Hunting in the New Millennium, which hit the bookshelves October 1, 2005 His 2004 releases were GHOST HUNTING: How to Investigate the Paranormal and HAUNTINGS & POLTERGEISTS: A Ghost Hunter's Guide (Ronin Publishing). His first book, ESP, HAUNTINGS AND POLTERGEISTS (1986, Warner Books) was named the "Sacred Text"` on ghosts by NEWSWEEK (in August, 1996). PSYCHIC DREAMING (1991, Warner Books; 1999 Barnes & Noble Books), deals with the current understanding of dreams in general and psychic dreams in particular. His third book, REINCARNATION, CHANNELING AND POSSESSION, was published by Warner Books in April, 1993. MIND OVER MATTER (Kensington Books, 1996) focused on the limits human beings set for themselves and on psychokinesis. Auerbach has recounted some of his more interesting paranormal investigations on a two audio-CD set called GHOST STORIES (Michael Scott Studios, 2001). In addition, he has a video lecture ("Exploring the Real-Life X-FILES: GHOSTS) and video seminar (with psychic Annette Martin). available. The seminar, GHOST HUNTING IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM, is a 5-plus hour video seminar that also offers a test of one's knowledge in order to become a part of the Office of Paranormal's referral network. In 1999, he released the first videotape on "The Haunting of the USS Hornet" (a haunted WWII era aircraft carrier in Alameda , CA ). -
Contact REL-MAR McConnell Meia Company if you would like a professionaly produced Christmas Video for your website! Email
The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell - Thursday, October 6 2011 - 444 Days Left To December 21 2012
The following is the Radio / TV / Cable / Internet / Satellite Broadcast Schedule for The 'X' Zone Radio Show hosted by Rob McConnell from the broadcast facilities of REL-MAR McConnell Media Company in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
The 'X' Zone Radio Show Podcasts are also available at Apple iTunes and The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell can be heard on Boxee, Roku, Podcaster, Blubrry, SonyTV and AppleTV.
SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific BRUCE CAMPBELL ADAMSON - L H Oswald was the Lone Assassin of JFK - Bruce Adamson is a genealogist and historian and has traveled throughout the country gathering photographs and material for his books. In 1991-92, Adamson began researching the JFK assassination and became certain that Oswald was indeed the lone assassin. This belief was shattered by the discovery of George de Mohrenschildt, and Adamson is now convinced that the conspiracy will soon be solved. The entire foundation of the 13 volumes: The JFK Assassination Timeline Chart and Oswald's Closest Friend: The George De Mohrenschildt Story is a result of ten year detailed and a thorough research of de Mohrenschildt's personal address and telephone book.
SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific JOSEPH FARRELL - Alternative History and Science - Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science". The sequel, The Giza Death Star Deployed came out in Spring 2003, and the final book of the Giza Death Star trilogy, The Giza Death Star Destroyed, in 2005. Additionally, he has published two books on Nazi secret weapons, Reich of the Black Sun and The SS Brotherhood of the Bell. His new book, The Cosmic War: Interplanateray Warfare, Modern Physics, and Ancient Texts, came out in the autumn of 2007, and the sequel to The SS Brotherhood of the Bell, Secrets of the Unified Field: The Philadelphia Experiment, the Nazi Bell, and the Discarded Theory, came out in March of 2008.
SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific DR STEPHEN RANSOMS - The God Patent - Ransom Stephens, Ph.D., has pursued greatness since he was ten years old and he's gotten close a few times. As a particle physicist, he discovered a new type of matter and was on the team that discovered the top quark. In high tech, he led an engineering commando team to the solution of a timing noise problem that enabled technology that's just starting to emerge. As an author, his novel, The God Patent, brought atheists and theists together with a low faith concept of the soul. As a speaker, he's convinced thousands of people that they should go for it right now! (And it scares the crap out of him every time).
SEGMENT 5: 02 am - 03 pm / 11 pm - 12 am Pacific CARON B GOODE - A New Guide to the Needs and Special Gifts of Intuitive Children - Caron Goode, a nationally certified and licensed professional counselor, has published numerous books and contributes articles regularly to parenting publications. Caron draws her insights from over fifteen years in private psychotherapy practice and thirty years' experience in the fields of education, personal empowerment, and therapy. These professional experiences and her personal experiences as a parent create Caron's refreshing and unique parenting approach, grounded in science yet easy and practical for parents to follow. Caron, with her husband Tom Goode, ND, currently manages and directs the International Breath Institute, an educational and training organization that offers health and lifestyle management seminars and certification. She and her husband live in Tucson, Arizona. She is the mother of one daughter.
SEGMENT 6: 03 am - 04 am Eastern / 12 am - 01 am Pacific PAUL SCHROEDER - Alien Abductee - As an abductee for his whole life Paul has stumbled through unknowingness to suspicion to resistance and offer rare insights and advice to detect and thwart alien soul and body tampering Degrees & Certifications: published widely and recognized as an eloquent note in the chorus of barbaric yawps concerning experts who've never seen or confronted these myriad entities, personally for 45 years. According to Paul, at night, your astral body travels to realms from angelic to demonic, a spirit world of myriad vibration levels and the pictures you see on the backs of your eyelids, while you R.E.M., are not dreams but visits, souvenirs of a greater reality. Like a goldfish who never suspects a greater world beyond the ponds surface, the limited awareness of humankind floats beneath the surface of a greater reality; groping, mouth agape in total ignorance. Aliens have failed to hybridize, and now invade astrally to abduct, monitor, and possess; to entangle their energies with ours to ride the reincarnation roller coaster of our auras giving a new meaning to a silent invasion; these are his experiences. Paul is a fifty year old happily married father of two extraordinary teens. Paul writes, landscapes, crafts his own ales, hunts mushrooms, breeds native giant silk moths, and teaches.
SEGMENT 7: 04 am - 05 am Eastern / 01 am - 02 am Pacific ED KOMAREK - UFO and Aliens - Ed Komarek is a longtime UFO/ET investigator and activist having been involved in the field for forty years. He was involved in exopolitics long before the word exopolitics was coined by Alfred Webre a few years ago. For the past several years Ed has written over one hundred exopolitical essays on exopolitics published to this blog and in the Internet press. The essays are regularly published in the American Chronicle, The Oped News, The Canadian National Newspaper as well as in the UFO/ET community by UFO Digest and The Alien Seeker News. Because these articles can be republished by anybody they float about the Internet creating an extensive global exopolitical network feeding back into the blog. Recently Ed has compiled these essays and cases into a free Internet e-book that can be read on the Internet or printed out for easy reading. It is believed to be the most extensive and detailed exopolitics book available to the public to date.
SEGMENT 8: 05 am - 06 am Eastern / 02 am - 03 am Pacific PASTOR HARRY WALTHER - Bible Code - Harry Walther claims to have studied Theology, Bible Prophecy, UFO Theory and The Occult for over 20 years. He also claims to have studied the Bible Codes and Nostradamus and compare these predictions with Bible Prophecy. Harry has two books published, The Answer-Two Raptures (1986) and June 6 2006, Antichrist Revealed (2006). Harry appeared on History Channel's WEIRD US, Christmas Special where we brought our Santa Be Gone message to television and made "history" as the first Anti-Santa show on TV. "I believe we are living in The End Times and we are the Final Generation, the generation that will witness the First of Two Raptures and watch The Book of Revelation unfold" states Harry. Here is his general biography in his own words: " It is not one filled with the doctorates and degrees of men. Rather it shows The Calling of God upon my life in 1982 and the leading of His Holy Spirit. (Jer:1:5). This Prophecy was given to me at a time when The Internet and Micro-chip Implants were just a Science Fiction, The Bible Code was unknown and The Start of The Tribulation seemed Light Year's Away. If we all we needed to understand the Mysteries of God and Bible Prophecy was a Theological Degree on our wall, then we would all know the name and identity of Antichrist as of 1750 AD when the First Bible College was founded. Yet all of the Scholars and Famous Christian Authors with all of their degrees and doctorates don't know the difference between who Antichrist is and Pinocchio. Far more than a Theological Degree from a Bible College is needed to know the deep mysteries of Prophecy and what is needed is the Wisdom and Understanding from Above, that only The Holy Spirit can bring to us. I do not claim to be a prophet as I do not believe there are true prophets today (just a multitude of false prophets). My claim is that God gave me the wisdom and understanding to correctly Interpret His Prophecy, The Book of Revelation which includes the revelation of Two Raptures and the true name and Identity of Antichrist.
Contact REL-MAR McConnell Meia Company if you would like a professionaly produced Christmas Video for your website! Email
The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell - Wednesday, October 5 2011 444 Days Left To December 21 2012
PRLog (Press Release) - Oct 05, 2011 - The following is the Radio / TV / Cable / Internet / Satellite Broadcast Schedule for The 'X' Zone Radio Show hosted by Rob McConnell from the broadcast facilities of REL-MAR McConnell Media Company in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
The 'X' Zone Radio Show Podcasts are also available at Apple iTunes and The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell can be heard on Boxee, Roku, Podcaster, Blubrry, SonyTV and AppleTV.
SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific LINNEA JOHANSSON - Conversations with the Spirit World - Linnea has displayed an amazing metaphysical understanding of the Universe since early childhood. When Linnea was a little girl, her grandmother remarried. On the day of the wedding, Linnea was upstairs in her grandmother's new home. Several pictures and portraits hung on the walls. A woman appeared and told Linnea that she was the mother in one of the pictures. She further explained that her name was Mary, and that she died before Linnea was born. Mary also stated that "her spine was healed". Mary wanted everyone to know that she knew her children now had a mother on Earth. Linnea's grandmother came upstairs and asked who she had been talking with. When Linnea told her, her grandmother related that her new husband's late wife was named Mary, and that she had died from cancer of the spine before Linnea was born. Linnea is able to converse with the Spirit World in many different ways. She is well versed in clairaudience (hearing the messages that are being conveyed), as well as precognition (the prediction of the future). In many instances of precognition, the soul of the loved one is able to foretell what is coming in life. During the sessions that Linnea conducts, there are examples of retrocognition (going back into the past to reach those who have made their Spiritual Journey to the great beyond) and psychometry. -
SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific JOSEPH LAYCOCK - Vampires - Vampires are not just the stuff of folklore and fiction. This book explores the modern world of vampirism in all its variety. Based upon extensive interviews with members of the Atlanta Vampire Alliance and others within vampire communities throughout the United States, "Vampires Today" looks at the many expressions of vampirism: lifestyle vampires, those who adopt a culture and a gothic ascetic associated with the vampires of art and legend; real vampires, those who believe they are a separate race and must actually consume blood and/or psychic energy in order to survive; or others who self-identify in some way as vampires. Over the years, but particularly in the past decade or so, vampirism has come under increased study, yet most scholarship has portrayed the vampire community at best as a cultural phenomenon and at worst as a religious cult. In this book, author Laycock explores the modern world of vampirism in all its variety. Having interviewed many vampires across the country, he argues that today's vampires are best understood as an identity group and that vampirism has caused a profound change in how individuals choose to define themselves. -
SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific MAT STEIN - When Disaster Strikes: A Comprehensive Guide to Emergency Planning and Crisis Survival - Mat Stein is an environmentalist, bestselling author, MIT trained engineer, and green builder. As an inspiring speaker and visionary thinker, he is dedicated to helping people wake up and unite to shift our collective course from collapse to global renaissance. On the practical side of things, as an expert at self-reliance, emergency prep, and survival, his writings and work help people prepare to weather the storms we are facing due to continuing climate change and ecological decline, coupled with a fossil fuel based economy that has recently passed the peak in world oil production and is struggling to cope with impending near-term shortfalls. Matthew Stein is the author of the bestselling book When Technology Fails: A Manual for Self-Reliance, Sustainability and Surviving the Long Emergency (Chelsea Green 2008) a comprehensive manual on sustainable living skills, survival, and disaster preparations. His new book, When Disaster Strikes: A Comprehensive Guide to Emergency Planning and Crisis Survival (Chelsea Green 2011) is due to release on November 14, 2001, and has received excellent advance praise from experts on survival and disaster preparedness. Stein is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where he majored in Mechanical Engineering. -
SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific ACHARYA S - The 2012 Astrotheology Calendar - Acharya S, whose real name is D.M. Murdock, was classically educated at some of the finest schools, receiving a degree in Classics, Greek Civilization, from Franklin & Marshall College, the 17th oldest college in the United States. At F&M, listed in the "highly selective" category in guides to top colleges and universities, Ms. Murdock studied under Dr. Robert Barnett, Dr. Joel Farber and Dr. Ann Steiner, among others. Murdock is also a member of one of the world's most exclusive institutes for the study of Ancient Greek Civilization, the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Greece. Murdock has served as a trench master on archaeological excavations in Corinth, Greece, and Connecticut, USA, as well as a teacher's assistant on the island of Crete. Murdock has traveled extensively around Europe,and she speaks, reads and/or writes English, Greek, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese and a smattering of other languages to varying degrees. She has read Euripides, Plato and Homer in ancient Greek, and Cicero in Latin, as well as Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales in Middle English. She has also been compelled to cross-reference the Bible in the original Hebrew and ancient Greek. Acharya S aka D.M. Murdock has gained expertise in several religions, as well as knowledge about other esoterica and mystical subjects. She is also the author of several books, including The Christ Conspiracy. Her book Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled, is an expansion of the themes and thesis of The Christ Conspiracy. Acharya's book Who Was Jesus: Fingerprints of The Christ represents a scientific analysis of the data regarding this alleged superhuman god who purportedly walked the earth. Murdock has also written Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection, which demonstrates the Egyptian and Horus parallels to Christianity and Christ to be real and factual. Articles by Murdock have been published in Exposure, Steamshovel Press, Paranoia, as well as other periodicals and ezines. -
Contact REL-MAR McConnell Meia Company if you would like a professionaly produced Christmas Video for your website!
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The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell - Tuesday, October 4 2011
445 Days Left To December 21 2012
The following is the Radio / TV / Cable / Internet / Satellite Broadcast Schedule for The 'X' Zone Radio Show hosted by Rob McConnell from the broadcast facilities of REL-MAR McConnell Media Company in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
The 'X' Zone Radio Show Podcasts are also available at Apple iTunes and The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell can be heard on Boxee, Roku, Podcaster, Blubrry, SonyTV and AppleTV.
SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific SHELDON NORBERG - Healing Houses: My Work as a Psychic House Cleaner - Have you ever walked into a house that just didn't feel right? While physicists debate the mechanics, more of them are agreeing with psychics on the idea that we each affect the world, and each other, with our thoughts. While most of us ignore this sensitivity, some people just can't. "People whose homes hold lasting impressions of the deaths or trauma of the previous owners can be seriously affected, and admitting to it can put them at odds with rationality. Ghosts or no ghosts, my clients find themselves affected by the feelings of their new home, and frequently adjusting their lives to them." So explains author Sheldon Norberg, who details the phenomena in his new book, Healing Houses - My Work as a Psychic House Cleaner. Sheldon's clients have run the gamut. He's worked in major office buildings, been flown out to estates on private jets, and consulted for high-end realtors. Working through all sorts of paranormal activity, he's cleared away energy left by people who've died, but which has revealed itself in such ways as bird attacks, rat infestations, bizarre accidents, physical ailments, and repetitive nightmares. Healing Houses maps out a sophisticated metaphysical perspective and traces its development through case studies of dozens of the houses Sheldon has worked in during his 20-year psychic career. It is his compassion for his clients, their homes, and for those whose remnant energy has manifested in some unforeseeable way, that makes this book a healing odyssey. -
SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific MAC CHANEY - The Man Who Headed the Team That Developed the CD Player - Mac Chaney grew up in the poverty-stricken South Eastern United States during the post WWII days when cotton was king. He lived on a farm, and graduated third in his class from Riverton High School in Madison County, Alabama while working at a grocery store each evening for five hours and ten hours on Saturday. Beginning full time work in residential and commercial electrical work within a week of graduation, he learned the electrical trade. However, the Selective Service had a draft quota to fill for opposing Castro's interests in the island to the south. Avoiding the draft, Mac volunteered for the US Air Force where he studied electronics, along with radio and electronics telephone switching systems. After working each of these fields for two years, Mac left the service to enter industry as a field service engineer. Two years later, after traveling the world over, he began work with a team designing electronic telephone systems. Mac's claim to fame was the opportunity to head up a team of Ohio State doctorate-level students to design and build the original CD player. With ten years of design work behind him he advanced to a management position, heading up systems test and from there became the manager of quality engineering. For years he worked with his wife, Brenda, to rear three children while working a full-time job and attending East Tennessee State University working toward a degree in management. With seventeen years of quality engineering, process control and quality management, behind him, he ended up the director of quality for a company in Mississippi. He left quality and built a thriving sales company. Although sales had its ups and downs with fluctuating economies, Mac held on because it gave him the opportunity to interface with merging technology. He continued his work, much as he did on the farm, learning by doing. Mac's current company, AdeptRep, Inc. Located in Madison, Alabama, now serves the South Eastern US, representing twenty companies and calling on businesses in a number of related high-tech industries. -
SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific JOHN TRUMAN WOLFE - Crisis By Design: The Untold Story of the Global Financial Coup and What You Can Do About It - John Truman Wolfe is the author of several fiction and non-fiction books and articles including, "The Financial Crisis: A Look Behind the Wizard's Curtain", "America the Litigious", "Mind Games", "The Gift" and his latest stunning release - "Crisis By Design: The Untold Story of the Global Financial Coup and What You Can Do About It". He has been a senior credit officer for two California banks: one in the San Francisco Bay Area, the other in Beverly Hills and is the co-founder of a prestigious Los Angeles based business management company, where, as a registered investment advisor, he oversaw the financial and investment matters of some of the biggest names in Hollywood. Shortly after the fall of Communism, John made several trips to Moscow giving seminars to leading bankers and senior members of the Russian government. In recognition of his work, government officials commissioned a sculpture of his bust by the noted Russian sculptor Sergi Bychkov, which resides in the Hall of Heroes of the Ministry of Internal affairs. He has a Master's Degree with Honors from San Jose State University and is the former Chairman of the Department of History at John F. Kennedy University. -
SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific DR NANE MACLEOD - Doctor of Natural Medicine - Dr. Nance MacLeod, PhD., DNM / NMD has proven to be one of North America's leading specialists in Natural Medicine. She is a published columnist / author and keynote speaker. Well educated...energetic... and sometimes outrageous, Dr. Nance is always the most intriguing and entertaining guest for your show. Dr. MacLeod has over 30 years of experience in the Health and Wellness field. She works with the newest, scientifically documented, non-invasive technologies and she has developed unique protocols for quick results in pain and stress relief, as well as anti-aging therapies for men and women Dr. MacLeod is most commonly known for her complete Natural Medicine Physicals. -
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