UFOs, The Paranormal, Global Terrorism, Secret of Lost Symbols and Walking Through Walls

The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell - Monday, October 3 2011: 446 Days Left To December 21 2012 - The End of the Mayan Calendar


PRLog (Press Release) - Oct 03, 2011 - The following is the Radio / TV / Cable / Internet / Satellite Broadcast Schedule for The 'X' Zone Radio Show hosted by Rob McConnell from the broadcast facilities of REL-MAR McConnell Media Company in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Listen to The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show archives at www.xzonepodcast.com the all New Paranormal Broadcast Network - www.paranormalbroadcastnetwork.com and our growing YouTube Channel at www.YouTube.com/xzoneradiotv and *** NOW *** The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - www.xchronicles-newspaper.com/publisher.

The 'X' Zone Radio Show Podcasts are also available at Apple iTunes and The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell can be heard on Boxee, Roku, Podcaster, Blubrry, SonyTV and AppleTV.

CHECKOUT OUR NEW GUEST COMMENT BOOK AT www.xzoneradiotv.com/guestbook

SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific
MICHAEL COHEN - UFOs and the Paranormal -
Michael Cohen is one of Australia's leading paranormal media figures as well as a writer and public speaker. He began his career as a radio psychic and paranormal presenter before taking an interest in the ET/UFO question. He has worked as an advisor for a number of Australian Paranormal themed movie productions including: 'Greenkeeping and 'The Crossing'. He also edits the well known UFO News Service: All News Web and in this capacity has managed to penetrate some highly credible inside sources as to what the government really knows on the ET topic. - www.allnewsweb.com

SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific
DR LEN HOROWITZ - Death In The Air: Globalism, Terrorism & Toxic Warfare -
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz is an internationally known authority in the overlapping fields of public health, behavioral science, emerging diseases, and natural healing. A Harvard University trained expert in health education and media persuasion, he has additional expertise in genetics and electrogenetics, virology, and vaccine research and development, by reason of his academic trainings, scientific publications, sixteen published books, and internationally recognized authority in these fields. Over the past 30 years he has become a best selling author, personal care educator, consumer protector, alternative and complementary care specialist, and by far healthcare's most controversial critic of the pharmaceutical cartel, especially following the release of his second documentary film, In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood, and Bioterrorism. - www.fluscam.com

SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific
JOHN MICHAEL GREER - The UFO Phenomenon and Secrets of the Lost Symbol -
Born in the gritty Navy town of Bremerton, Washington and raised in the south Seattle suburbs, John Michael Greer began writing about as soon as he could hold a pencil. SF editor George Scithers' dictum that all would-be writers have a million words of so of bad prose in them, and have to write it out, pretty much sums up the couple of decades between his first serious attempt to write a book and his first published book, Paths of Wisdom, which appeared in 1996. These days he lives in Cumberland, MD with his spouse Sara; serve as presiding officer -- Grand Archdruid is the official title -- of the Ancient Order of Druids in America (AODA), a Druid order founded in 1912; and writes in half a dozen nonfiction fields, nearly all of them focused on the revival of forgotten ideas, insights, and traditions of practice from the rubbish heap of history. - www.redroom.com/author/john-michael-greer

SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
PHILIP SMITH - Walking Through Walls -
The only son of Lew and Esther Smith - a successful and renowned interior design visionary and a high society figurine - Philip Smith was no stranger to the culture of American art and lifestyle. However, as the climate of his native Miami took sharp political turns, a la Castro-ism and the Cuban Missile Crisis, his family life took sharper ones. Somewhere in between design consultations with Walt Disney and cocktails with the Nixons, Smith's father began to recognize powerful psychic healing abilities within himself. Interior design went from his profession to his marginal duty; something he did when he wasn't busy using his deep healing energy to remove tumors and perform exorcisms…and in true Lew Smith fashion, he led his category. Smith describes his father's newfound prominence in the psychic realm: "All of a sudden he was on the A-list party circuit for the deceased." So is the story of Walking Through Walls (Atria/Simon & Schuster), a collection of precise and poignant recollections from Smith's fascinating upbringing. For Smith, teenage angst took on new meaning, as his actions were frequently criticized by his father's "spirit guides" - a network of diseased scholars and healers he regarded as friends and teachers. Having your mind read by your father on a daily basis certainly took the fun out of surfing, sex and Scientology. Walking Through Walls is currently available at www.amazon.com, and will be released in paperback version in November 2009. To learn more about Walking Through Walls and Philip Smith visit www.walkingthroughwallsthebook.com.

Contact REL-MAR McConnell Meia Company if you would like a professionaly produced Christmas Video for your website! Email admin@rel-mar.com

Other REL-MAR McConnell Media Company Videos Can Be Seen At www.YouTube.com/xzoneradiotv

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The 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show - www.xzoneradiotv.com
The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - www.xchronicles-newspaper.com/publisher
The Paranormal Broadcast Network - www.paranormalbroadcastnetwork.com
The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network - www.xzbn.net
The 'X' Zone Podcasts - www.xzonepodcast.com
The 'X' Zone Newsroom - www.xzonenews.com
The 'X' Zone Order of Woo Woo's - www.xzoneorderofwoowoos.com

Our Guestbook - http://pub33.bravenet.com/guestbook/2798844518

REL-MAR McConnell Media Company,
www.rel-mar.com, admin@rel-mar.com
586 Rexford Drive,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Tel: (905) 575-1222
Fax: (905) 575-1222
Skype: xzoneradiotv

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