Wednesday, August 10 2011: Today on The 'X' Zone with Rob McConnell

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SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific
LEE BOYLAND - The Riots in England -
The ongoing anarchy in England graphically illustrates the inherent danger of a welfare state with a large population on the dole. Riots left uncontrolled span insurrection. Criminals and gangs quickly join the looting, something I described in Behold, an Ashen Horse. Force must be used quickly to put an end to the violence or it will spread (England is still learning this lesson). This is what is going on in England. We have seen similar events in Greece, France, and even in the U.S. (the Watts riots which spread to other cities). -

SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific
DR WILLIAM SCHNEID - Will Thousands Of Police Layoffs Unleash Chaos And Anarchy Across America? -
Thousands of police officers have been laid off all across America since the current economic crisis began. Thousands more are getting ready to be laid off. So could we be on the verge of a new era of chaos and anarchy in America as crime runs wild and there are just far too few police to respond to it all? That is the message that one blood-smeared billboard in Stockton, California is trying to get across. Paid for by the Stockton, California police union, the message of the billboard is chillingly clear: "Welcome to the 2nd most dangerous city in California. Stop laying off cops." As state, city and local governments across the United States continue to be devastated by the ongoing economic crisis, budget cuts are becoming much deeper and police forces have suddenly become a very popular target. -

SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific
DR BOYD C PURCELL - Spiritual Terrorism -
Boyd C. Purcell is a National Board Certified Counselor, a Licensed Professional Counselor, an Ordained Christian Minister, and a Board Certified Chaplain. Educationally, he has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Comprehensive Social Studies (World/European/American History, Geography, Political Science, etc.) He also has a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling, a Master of Divinity Degree in Biblical Studies, and a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in the integration of psychology and theology. In terms of experience, Dr. Purcell has over 40 years of ministry in counseling: agency, clinical, pastoral, psychiatric hospital, school, substance abuse, private practice, and chaplaincy-providing spiritual care at the end of life for hospice patients. Spiritual Terrorism is thus a unique blend of the historical, psychological, and theological perspectives in regard to major world religions. This integrative approach provides the greatest probability of understanding the complex problem of the use and misuse of religion, being liberated from fear-based religion, and finding healing for damaged emotions due to spiritual abuse/terrorism. Dr. Purcell started using the terms "spiritual abuse" and "spiritual terrorism" early in the 1990's. He presented on these topics to counselors, social workers, hospice personnel, chaplains, and other clergy at various local, state, regional, national, and international conferences. Evaluations were always overwhelmingly positive. Many participants reported that they had never heard of these terms but recognized that they had been spiritually abused. Some clergy and mental-health professionals realized that they had failed to recognize it in former patients and had, consequently, not been able to help them very much and had lacked the knowledge to have made a helpful referral. -

SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
DR JOYE PUGH - Prepare For The Rise of the AntiChrist -
Dr. Joye Jeffries Pugh is an alumnus of South Georgia College, Valdosta State College and Nova University where she received her doctorate in education. Her background involves working as a researcher, counsellor, mental retardation professional, human services director and consultant. Dr. Joye 's complete biographical history is featured in Who's Who in the World, Who's Who in America, Who's Who in American Women, Who's Who in the South and Southwest, Who's Who in American Education, and Who's Who in Georgia. Joye is a member of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. She is a descendant of Dr. John Taliaferro, a Minuteman who fought during the American Revolution. Dr. Joy e. is the daughter of the late Stella and CB Jeffries III. She is married to Melville Eugene Pugh. Dr. Joye has written three books and one abridged and updated audio edition. These include: "ANTICHRIST The Cloned Image of Jesus Christ" (December 1999), "Colours of Joye" (August 1975), "EDEN The Knowledge of Good and Evil 666" (December 2006), and AUDIO "EDEN The Knowledge of Good and Evil 666" (Updated and Abridged Edition), (JANUARY 2009). -

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