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Watch The View Of Earth in 60 Seconds from the ISS Video at watch?v=oOrnI38uh- w
SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific
PETER WOOLFORD- The Genesis Grid - Peter Woolford, author of The Genesis Grid, is the man theologians love to hate! Well, it's been rather disruptive for them to find that Genesis chapter one is built on the first 31 digits of pi, and perplexing for them when impartial mathematicians endorse that finding. "Populist hysteria" is what they call it, but we at the X Zone have studied the book and think otherwise. Since 2003 the indications are building that this story, first released a year ago, will culminate in an exact eight year pattern at the end of September 2011. European powers are planning to jump into the vacuum of failing U.S. diplomacy, to impose a solution to the Palestinian-
Watch The View Of Earth in 60 Seconds from the ISS Video at
SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific
PETER WOOLFORD- The Genesis Grid - Peter Woolford, author of The Genesis Grid, is the man theologians love to hate! Well, it's been rather disruptive for them to find that Genesis chapter one is built on the first 31 digits of pi, and perplexing for them when impartial mathematicians endorse that finding. "Populist hysteria" is what they call it, but we at the X Zone have studied the book and think otherwise. Since 2003 the indications are building that this story, first released a year ago, will culminate in an exact eight year pattern at the end of September 2011. European powers are planning to jump into the vacuum of failing U.S. diplomacy, to impose a solution to the Palestinian-
SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific
LURA KETCHLEDGE - Another Apocalyptic Zombie Movie - Lura is fifty and she has a horse instead of a husband. She is a story teller at heart. Lura has woven little bits of herself in each book she has written. Since Lura was a girl she has lived, breathed and worshiped the equine. Horses have been her life they have also been her death. In 1979 Lura was killed in a riding accident. Between life and death in those few moments before she returned she had a near death experience. Confused, frustrated and somewhat embarrassed Lura put a lid on her experience trying to suppress what had happened to her. Like any pot her thoughts, emotions and paranormal experiences began to boil over .One night a little over twenty years ago Lura dreamt her first book. This wonderful combination of Near Death Experience, creativity and burning curiosity into the paranormal collided forming Lura into an author. No, she is not another Hemingway but if you planted her novels in a barren desert they would bloom. Lura has lived in New York City, Northern Virginia, Ormond Beach Florida, Huntsville Alabama and Lexington Kentucky. The places she has lived provided the settings and locations in her novels. The characters she has created are half imagination and half observation of human nature. Lura like her characters, speak like them and part of her becomes the character when she writes. Lura has taken her time carefully laying down the tracks her characters travel through-out her book series. Right now Lura is living on a small horse farm on the edge of Lexington Kentucky. Yes, Lura has horses or I should say they have her. Her deep compassion for the horse led me to write her second novel Throw Away Horses. It also made her put her money where my mouth was and adopt a rescue horse scheduled for death. Her nick name is my little slaughter house special. Today this gentle, throw away horse spends her time in Lura's fields grazing and power napping with my sweet retired gelding. Presently Laura is producing a movie call Another Apocalyptic Zombie Movie. She wears many hats in this project screen writer, producer and chief bottle washer! They are half way through the shoot and hopes to submit the movie to film festivals the first of the year .Lura, likens to her movie to Blazing Saddles meets Dawn of the dead. Lura is a big kid who loves zombies. She is also working on my fourth and last novel in her book series. -
SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific
ME-SAH - Spiritual Medium / Clairvoyant - Me-sah, a Spiritual medium/clairvoyant and counselor, from Santa Fe, New Mexico, has attained a highly attuned level of connection to Spirit. For over 40 years Me-sah has been not only a spiritual teacher and consultant but a student of Spirit, metaphysics, spirituality, meditation, phenomenon, and the occult. As a medium, spiritual reader and guide, animal communicator, healer, and a metaphysical Priest she helps others make a connection to the greater consciousness of their being. Me-sah has a Masters of Social Work degree and has worked as a psycotherapist. She has been trained in crisis intervention, drug abuse, and family therapy. She is a Certified Matrix Energetics Practioner and is also certified in the Whitehawk Process. In addition, she has been certified in Educational Kinesiology (Whole Brain Integration and Learning) and functioned as a practitioner, teacher and consultant. Mesah utilizes various other alternative processes; new techniques and understandings are being continually transmitted directly through Spirit. She was ordained as a metaphysical Priest in 1976 and as a non-denominational minister in 2000. Daily she deals with situations concerning dysfunctional energy patterns, non-physical beings, animal companions, entities and more. With a direct link to Spirit, one of the most important aspects of her work is to help people cross over and to help those who have left their physical bodies but are stuck between realms. Helping guide them to the Light gives them peace as well as those left behind in the physical dimension. -
SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
JEFF WALDRIDGE - Scarefest 2011 - Jeff had his first paranormal experience at the age of thirteen and has been hooked ever since! He is a member of Ghost Chasers International, a member of SHOCK (Spirit Hunters of Central Kentucky), and is the event manager and Co-creator for Scarefest, (
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