Tue May 31 2011 - Today on The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell

The following interviews can be heard starting at 10 pm - 2 am Eastern / 7 pm - 11 pm Pacific (Network 1) 2 am - 6 am Eastern / 11 pm - 2 am Pacific (Network 2) 6 pm - 10 pm Eastern / 3 pm - 7 pm Pacific on The TalkStar Radio Network from our Washington DC Affiliate at http://radiotime.com/WebTuner.aspx?StationId=100596&ProgramId=149441& or Apple iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=295327298 or at The 'X' Zone Podcast website at http://www.xzonepodcast.com/

SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific
MARY WEBB - The Summer of Superheroes and the Making of Iron Boy -
Mary Webb is a former newspaper reporter and current high school English teacher, who lives in Patterson, LA. Mary Webb has written for The San Antonio Express-News, The (New Orleans) Times-Picayune, The (Monroe, LA) News-Star, The (Memphis) Commercial Appeal, The Associated Press' Denver Bureau, The (Houma, LA) Courier, and The Denton Record-Chronicle. Currently, she teaches English and Speech at Westgate High School in Iberia Parish. Previously, she also taught English I at Patterson High School in St. Mary Parish, as well as in Morgan City, LA and in Dallas, TX. She lives in Patterson, LA with her husband Corwin and their two children, Quentin and Jory, the subjects of The Summer of Superheroes and the Making of Iron Boy. This is her first published novel. Mary is a graduate of Xavier University of Louisiana where she received a bachelor of arts in Mass Communication with a concentration in print journalism. - www.createspace.com/3458326

SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific
HEATHER HIGHTOWER - Conscious Girl -
Light-heartedly known as "Conscious Girl," of "The Conscious Girl's Guide to Backpacking," book and blog, Heather Hightower is passionate about helping others understand their own power and raising the vibration of the world. Heather's perspective on how to move through this world, creating miracles everywhere you go, is shaped by her own experience of fully healing from a disease that is considered to be chronic and incurable by the modern medical establishment. It was through this personal transformation that she discovered that what it takes to create and allow miracles in your own body is what it takes to create and allow miracles to happen all around you in life - no matter where you are. She's distilled the method from the madness, and gives it straight to you in ways you can apply immediately, so that you too can create lasting transformation for yourself and live your life the way you've always dreamt you would. In this spirit of adventure and discovery, she's also happily backpacked solo, as a young woman, through some of what are considered to be the world's most dangerous regions and is always connecting with others who are determined to go where others won't dare - literally or figuratively. Heather is the undisputed expert on how to go anywhere in this world, find your own limits, and then know how to bust them. - www.yourvibrationmatters.com

SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific
AMY ALKON - Miss Manners With Fangs -
The LA Weekly called Amy Alkon "Miss Manners With Fangs." Alkon recognized that the manners questions of our age aren't where to put the doily or whether the man should walk on the outside, but what you do when some rudester is shouting on their cell phone next to you at the coffee house. Alkon, the author of a hilarious new book called I SEE RUDE PEOPLE, has come up with innovative and surprisingly effective ways to combat The New Rudeness for both the brave and the meek. Alkon is also known as The Advice Goddess, and is a syndicated love advice columnist in papers across the U.S. and Canada, blogging at advicegoddess.com. She's appeared on numerous TV and radio shows in the US and Canada, including Q and the Steven and Chris show. She hopes you'll join her in her mission to make our daily lives stop feeling like one big wrestling

SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
DIANA DOYLE - Open To Hope - Finding Hope After Loss -
Diana Doyle is an Australian who spends ten months of the year living in Los Angeles and the other two in Australia with her husband Peter and her eight year old daughter Dempsey. Diana is a nurse and has worked as a Manager in the health care field, although hasn't worked since giving birth to her two children eleven years ago. She is currently studying to become a counselor so she can work in the grief counseling field. In three years Diana lost three important family members to different deaths over a thirty-six month period. Her sister, then her mother, then the most incompressible loss of all, the death of her four year old daughter Savannah. She is an Ambassador to the Make a Wish Foundation in California and volunteers at The Let it Be Foundation. Diana has co-written a memoir about her journey through grief and survival and is hoping to have it published as her passion in life is to help others who are facing adversity in all walks of life. This has inspired her to start the popular blog; http://sunshineinabluecup.blogspot.com Diana has also published articles on the websites www.opentohope.com and www.hellogrief.com about her life experiences.

The 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show

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Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
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The Origin of Our Food

My introduction to this country’s problematic food supply came through the movie Food, Inc. My interest in the subject stemmed from my desperation to turn our family's health around.

The startling information conveyed in Food, Inc. was enough for me to search for grass-fed beef, wild-caught fish and soy-/corn-free chicken. The more I learned, the more determined I became to feed our family with fresh, organic food, free of additives, hormones, and antibiotics. Farmers markets have now become our primary source of food.

Several years ago, author Barbara Kingsolver (The Poisonwood Bible and The Bean Trees) went a step further. She moved her family to a Virginia farm to learn to grow their own food. She chronicles her experience in the book Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life.

It is an easy, fun read. She eloquently makes the case for a return to our agricultural roots, citing the ominous transition to commodity subsidies, which focus on the production of cheap corn and soybeans.

. . . this new industry made piles of corn and soybeans into high-fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, and thousands of other starch- or oil-based chemicals. Cattle and chickens were brought in off the pasture into intensely crowded and mechanized CAFO’s (concentrated animal feeding operations) where corn – which is no part of a cow’s natural diet, by the way – could be turned cheaply and quickly into animal flesh. All these different products, in turn, rolled on down the new industrial food pipeline to be processed into the soft drinks, burgers, and other cheap foods on which our nation largely runs – or sits on its bottom, as the case may be.

This is how 70% of our Midwestern agricultural land shifted gradually into single-crop corn or soybean farms, each of them now, on average, the size of Manhattan. Owing to synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, genetic modification, and a conversion of farming from a naturally based to a highly mechanized production system, U.S. farmers now produce 3,900 calories per U.S. citizen, per day. That is twice what we need, and 700 more calories a day more than they grew in 1980.

. . .

Most of those calories enter our mouths in forms hardly recognizable as corn and soybeans, or even vegetable in origin: high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) owns up to its parentage, but lecithin, citric acid, maltodextrin, sorbitol, and xanthan gum, for example, are also manufactured from corn. So are beef, eggs, and poultry, in a different but no less artificial process. Soybeans also become animal flesh, or else a category of ingredient known as “added fats.” If every product containing corn or soybeans were removed from your grocery store, it would look more like a hardware store. Alarmingly, the lightbulbs might be naked, since many packaging materials also now contain cornstarch.

Kingsolver goes on to talk about the bigger packages and supersizing, citing our weakness for junk food. Food marketers, she says, exploit the weakness without mercy.

Obesity is generally viewed as a failure of personal resolve, with no acknowledgement of the genuine conspiracy in this historical scheme. People actually did sit in strategy meetings discussing ways to get all those surplus calories into people who neither needed nor wished to consume them. Children have been targeted especially; food companies spend over $10 billion a year selling food brands to kids, and it isn’t broccoli they’re pushing. Overweight children are a demographic in many ways similar to minors addicted to cigarettes, with one notable exception: their parents are usually their suppliers. We all subsidize the cheap calories with our tax dollars, the strategists make fortunes, and the overweight consumers get blamed for the violation. It’s the perfect crime.

The good news in all of this is that the tide is turning. Ever so slowly. As people make the connection between health and food, the demand for organic, nutrionally dense food grows.

As Kingsolver says,

From the rural routes to the inner cities, we are staring at our plates and wondering where that’s been. For the first time since our nation’s food was ubiquitously local, the point of origin now matters again to some consumers.

It sure matters to me and, thankfully, to many others.

Mon May 29 2011 - Today on The 'X' Zone with Rob McConnell

The following interviews can be heard starting at 10 pm - 2 am Eastern / 7 pm - 11 pm Pacific (Network 1) 2 am - 6 am Eastern / 11 pm - 2 am Pacific (Network 2) 6 pm - 10 pm Eastern / 3 pm - 7 pm Pacific on The TalkStar Radio Network from our Washington DC Affiliate at http://radiotime.com/WebTuner.aspx?StationId=100596&ProgramId=149441& or Apple iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=295327298 or at The 'X' Zone Podcast website at http://www.xzonepodcast.com/

SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm PacificDERREL SIMS - The Alien Hunter - 50 mile DEEP / 600 mile LONG UFO Orbiting Earth?- More than forty years ago, Derrel Sims had his first encounter with an alien presence. As he grew older, he experienced a malignant contact with these alien beings that would alter his life forever. As a result at a young age, Derrel made the decision that he would no longer willingly, be victim to their bizarre quests. Determined to change his role in life from being the 'hunted' to the hunter, he began to prepare himself for their pursuit. Every path he took, would equip him mentally, physically and intellectually to become a warrior for his cause and to assume the role he was born to play. As a result, Derrel has spent the past three decades researching the world of alien beings. His area of focus has dealt primarily with medical and scientific evidence of human/alien contact. To that end, he has spent years studying and training in a broad range of areas that would provide him with a full array of skills necessary for his search to find evidence of these creatures. From his accomplishments and certifications in hypnotherapy, to his education in graphoanalysis (handwriting analysis); he has pursued extensive training to assist in his efforts to aid abductees, in reclaiming memories of their experiences. In addition, to learning the methods for memory retrieval, Derrel has acquired considerable training in police, military and investigative work. These assets are critical to aid in the search, rescue and discovery of alien evidence. This thorough and unusual approach has placed him in a category unparalleled by others. His unique blend of personal history, coupled with his research and skilled investigative techniques prompts worldwide requests for him to share his knowledge. Being the first to discover and share the concept of alien implants, Derrel has been sought by those in the UFO communities, as well as those within the medical and scientific communities, to share his breakthrough methods at world wide conferences. In addition to this global recognition, he has been acknowledged for his contributions via a series of awards and commendations. His acclaim is further recognized through the many requests he receives annually to appear on a variety of radio and television shows, where he shares his knowledge with thousands across the globe. It is for these reasons, coupled with a passion that places him in the unequalled position of relating to those whose lives have been disrupted, that he stands alone in his efforts and his role. Derrel Sims is The Alien Hunter. - www.alienhunter.org

SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm PacificJONATHAN WEYER - The Faithful - Jonathan Weyer is the author of the upcoming novel, The Faithful, due to be released in the Fall of 2010 by Brio Books. He has also written a book about his ministry to atheists tentatively titled, Confessions of a Pirate Chaplain. This book is currently being shopped by his agent, Wes Yoder. Jonathan was born in 1974 in Huntingburg, Indiana. He spent two weeks every summer with his grandma who allowed him to check out stories about Bigfoot, the Mothman and ghost stories from the library. This summer reading gave him a lifelong love for scary stories. Jonathan's family moved to St. Louis, Missouri when he was in the sixth grade. After college, he went to Covenant seminary and graduated with a Masters of Divinity with honors. He is currently ordained in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. While pastoring two churches, one in Illinois and one in Florida, he began to write a fantasy book based on American mythology. After a move to Columbus, Ohio, Jonathan felt a call to campus ministry at The Ohio State University. During the transition from church ministry to campus ministry, he decided to write his second novel, The Faithful, which combined his knowledge of the church and his love for scary stories. Jonathan is the founder of The Thomas Society, a ministry dedicated to answering questions from doubters, agnostics and atheists. Along with the atheists at Ohio State, he won a Multicultural Award from the university. Because of his work with atheists, the Secular Student Alliance added him to their speaker's bureau. - www.jonathanweyer.com

SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm PacificBOBBY LEGEND - A Legend In His Own Mind - Bobby Legend became intimate with Afghanistan during a trip of a lifetime in the '70s. The former land of the bible was known then as a vacation and drug paradise. Americans, especially college students and hippies roamed the land freely. Kings ruled the rugged terrain and tribal people with an iron fist. But now all that has changed. Legend spent four years in Afghanistan and saw the revolutionary change coming, with Afghanistan morphing into a land of tribal rogues and terrorists. He now says it is the open "hiding pace' for Bin Laden and the Taliban. Nearly killed leaving Afghanistan and befriended by the reigning king's son, Legend has an insider's view of the Afghan sovereignty. Legend explains the culture and politics of one of the world's most remote and fascinating areas.

SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm PacificBEN ABBA - Secrets of an Immortal - Ben Abba is a modern day Plato with an important story to tell. The story of a real man, living among us, who has seen nearly 2,800 years of history through his own eyes.. Ben Abba grew up in a traditional household in middle America where he excelled in physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, geography, history, and biblical studies. From his college years, he has gained extensive experience in computer and business security which he uses to protect financial institutions' information and assets. He is also a professional remote viewer. Ben Abba's love for the sciences and his insatiable curiosity open his eyes to the many possibilities that our universe has to offer. However his business and technical skills made him very skeptical to nebulous ideas. When he sought to find the oldest person alive on planet Earth, he used his skills in tracking down hackers and financial fraudsters, along with his unique researching skills to locate and make contact with a person older than 150 years old. What he found was too shocking even for someone with an open mind. However, after a couple of long interviews and lots of research, what started out to be unbelievable, soon turned into incredible. Ben Abba is the author that brings this amazing mystery all together. - http://secrets-of-an-immortal.com/

The 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show

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Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
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Sun May 29 2011 - *** Memorial Day Weekend *** Today on The 'X' Zone with Rob McConnell


The following interviews can be heard starting at 10 pm - 2 am Eastern / 7 pm - 11 pm Pacific (Network 1) 2 am - 6 am Eastern / 11 pm - 2 am Pacific (Network 2) 6 pm - 10 pm Eastern / 3 pm - 7 pm Pacific on The TalkStar Radio Network from our Washington DC Affiliate at http://radiotime.com/WebTuner.aspx?StationId=100596&ProgramId=149441& or Apple iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=295327298 or at The 'X' Zone Podcast website at http://www.xzonepodcast.com/

SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific
'X' MINUS ONE - Amonst Human -
Episode: 013 - A scientist builds a robot - "Junior" - capable of intelligence and consciousness, but the machine is stolen by a criminal who has other ideas for its uses. Junior, however, has plans of his own. Story by Robert Bloch. Another version of this story originally appeared on Dimension X. See also 'Beware Tomorrow' (The Mysterious Traveler).

SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific
'X' MINUS ONE - Courtesy -
Episode: 014 - An expedition to the planet Landro meets with disaster when a strange inexplicable plague strikes. The natives seem immune, but reluctant to offer any assistance. Story by Clifford Simak. NOTE: The same characters appear again in a later episode, 'Junkyard'. Another version of this story originally aired on Dimension X.

SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific
'X' MINUS ONE - The Cold Equations -
Classic story about the pilot of an EMS (Emergency Medical Shuttle), on a mission to deliver vital serum to a plague world, who discovers a young woman stowaway whose extra weight must condemn her to death for lack of sufficient fuel. Versions of this story also appeared on Exploring Tomorrow, Future Tense, Sci-Fi Radio, and the CBC pilot Faster Than Light .

SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
'X' MINUS ONE - Shanghaied -
A man is drugged and press-ganged from his own stag party to serve on board a deepspace freighter outward bound on a fifteen year round trip to Alpha Centauri. Another version of this story originally appeared on Dimension X.

SEGMENT 5: 02 am - 03 am Eastern / 11 pm - 12 am Pacific
'X' MINUS ONE - The Martian Death March -
On a Mars conquered by Earthmen, the last remnants of the spider-like Martian race escape from their reservation to embark on a desperate trek across the deserts to their mountain homelands, lead by a human religious fanatic. X Minus One produced two separate versions of this story. Also, versions were produced for Dimension X and Future Tense. See also 'And the Moon be Still as Bright' (X Minus One, Omni Audio Experience and Dimension X)

SEGMENT 6: 03 am - 04 am Eastern / 12 am - 01 am Pacific
'X' MINUS ONE - The Castaways -
Nuclear testing on a remote Pacific island goes awry when the natives - rather than be relocated - threaten to commit mass suicide to put a curse on the project. Two separate versions of this story were produced for X Minus One. Also, an original production appeared on Dimension X.

SEGMENT 7: 04 am - 05 am Eastern / 01 am - 02 am Pacific
'X' MINUS ONE - And the Moon be Still as Bright -
As though wiping out the Martian race with Earthborn diseases weren't enough, humans demonstrate a hostile contempt for what relics and monuments the Martians left behind - until one man with a conscience and a gun decides to stand up for the dead. Story by Ray Bradbury; part of the Martian Chronicles future history. Other versions of this story aired on Dimension X and Omni Audio Experience.

SEGMENT 8: 05 am - 06 am Eastern / 02 am - 03 am Pacific
'X' MINUS ONE - First Contact -
Classic story of a starship which encounters an alien vessel in the Crab Nebula, and the dilemma they both face when they realize that neither ship dares depart for fear of giving away clues as to their origin. Story by Murray Leinster. Versions of this story also appeared on Dimension X and Exploring Tomorrow.

SEGMENT 9: 06 am - 07 am Eastern / 03 am - 04 am Pacific
'X' MINUS ONE - Child's Play -
A milquetoast lawyer accidentally receives a package in the mail containing a cloning machine from the future, with which he sets about making a duplicate capable of turning his life around. Story by William Tenn. Another version of this story originally aired on Dimension X. A more recent version was produced by Seeing Ear Theater. See also 'Marionettes, Inc.' (Dimension X and X Minus One) and 'Prime Difference' (X Minus One)

SEGMENT 10: 07 am - 08 am Eastern / 04 am - 05 am Pacific
'X' MINUS ONE - Requiem -
A tycoon with a dangerous heart condition who'd always dreamed of setting foot on the Moon hires two ex-astronauts to fly him there illegally in a ship he has built in secret. Story by Robert Heinlein.
Versions of this story also appeared on Beyond Tomorrow and Dimension X. See also 'The Vital Factor' (Dimension X and X Minus One).

SEGMENT 11: 08 am - 09 am Eastern / 05 am - 06 am Pacific
'X' MINUS ONE - Hello, Tomorrow -
To escape a world devastated by nuclear radiation, Mankind has retreated underground, but the Final War still rages on. A woman betrays her 'country' by falling in love with an Asiatic POW from the other side, a capital crime punishable by exile to the ruined surface.

SEGMENT 12: 09 am - 10 am Eastern / 06 am - 07 am Pacific
'X' MINUS ONE - Dwellers in Silence -
The first explorers from a colonized Mars to return to Earth generations after the Atomic War discover the last survivors, a family with some very odd peculiarities about them. Story by Ray Bradbury; part of the Martian Chronicles series.

The 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show

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Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Toll Free: (800) 610-7035
Tel: (905) 575-1222
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Skype: xzoneradiotv

Sat May 28 2011 - *** Memorial Day Weekend *** Today on The 'X' Zone with Rob McConnell


The following interviews can be heard starting at 10 pm - 2 am Eastern / 7 pm - 11 pm Pacific (Network 1) 2 am - 6 am Eastern / 11 pm - 2 am Pacific (Network 2) 6 pm - 10 pm Eastern / 3 pm - 7 pm Pacific on The TalkStar Radio Network from our Washington DC Affiliate at http://radiotime.com/WebTuner.aspx?StationId=100596&ProgramId=149441& or Apple iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=295327298 or at The 'X' Zone Podcast website at http://www.xzonepodcast.com/

SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific
- Episode: 013 - A scientist builds a robot - "Junior" - capable of intelligence and consciousness, but the machine is stolen by a criminal who has other ideas for its uses. Junior, however, has plans of his own. Story by Robert Bloch. Another version of this story originally appeared on Dimension X. See also 'Beware Tomorrow' (The Mysterious Traveler).

SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific
- Episode: 002 - ad agency is hired by a man insisting he is from Mars to promote an upcoming parade marking the arrival of Martians on Earth. Of course, he must be lying, or simply crazy... As well as their own version, X Minus One also re-broadcast the version originally produced for Dimension X. Also a version was produced for Future Tense.

SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific
Episode: 003 - The first astronauts to land on Mars discover - Earth; a planet where their long dead loved ones are waiting for them in a small Midwest town just like home. Story by Ray Bradbury; part of his Martian Chronicles series. A popular story for radio; Two separate versions were produced for Dimension X. Another version appeared on Escape. See the full listing of Martian Chronicles stories under 'Ray Bradbury' on the Famous Authors on Radio page.

SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
Episode: 004 - Humanity's descendants aboard a space Ark are divided into two factions - the lower decks occupied by humans, and the upper by mutants. One man dares probe the upper levels and his quest leads him to question not only his society's prejudices, but the ultimate truth of what might lie beyond the Ship. Story by Robert Heinlein. Another version of this story originally appeared on Dimension X. See also 'The Sense of Wonder' (X Minus One).

SEGMENT 5: 02 am - 03 am Eastern / 11 pm - 12 am Pacific
Episode: 005 - Aliens who have no concept of death have wiped out humanity, literally to the last man and woman, whom they put in a zoo as public curiosities. Story by Fredric Brown. Versions of this story also appeared on Dimension X, Future Tense, and the currently running series 2000X (not to be confused with 2000 Plus) and Seeing Ear Theater.

SEGMENT 6: 03 am - 04 am Eastern / 12 am - 01 am Pacific
Episode: 006 - The Federal Missing Persons Bureau receives a desperate radio message from a crank who claims to be calling from the Moon (unlikely in 1950). Of course the call is dismissed, until a minor functionary begins to suspect that the call is related to a strange series of disappearances over the past several years. Versions of this story were produced for Dimension X and Future Tense.

SEGMENT 7: 04 am - 05 am Eastern / 01 am - 02 am Pacific
Episode: 007 - A dollmaker sells a father an unusual doll which seems capable of responding to people, presumably by recording voices and replaying them in its own voice. Is it just a bit of technical wizardry, or is there something more to this doll than meets the eye? A version of this story also appeared on Dimension X.

SEGMENT 8: 05 am - 06 am Eastern / 02 am - 03 am Pacific
Episode: 008 - Classic story of a space engineer who suffers a tragic accident and ends up tramping about the Solar System singing about the life of spacers and dreaming of returning to Earth once more before he dies. Story by Robert Heinlein. Versions of this story appeared on Dimension X and CBS Radio Workshop; also a TV version was produced for a 50's show called 'Out There'.

SEGMENT 9: 06 am - 07 am Eastern / 03 am - 04 am Pacific
'X' MINUS ONE - DR. GRIMSHAW'S SANITARIUM - Episode: 009 - An investigator infiltrates the strange goings-on at an asylum for the insane, where the patients are undergoing a bizarre physical transformation. Versions of this story also appeared on Future Tense and Dimension X.

SEGMENT 10: 07 am - 08 am Eastern / 04 am - 05 am Pacific
Episode: 010 - A man begins to suspect that all machines are on the verge of a unified worldwide revolt to overthrow their human masters. Another version of this story was produced for Dimension X.

SEGMENT 11: 08 am - 09 am Eastern / 05 am - 06 am Pacific
Episode: 011 - A detective agency is hired by a crackpot who wants them to investigate and expose a nest of Martians sent to prepare the way for an invasion of Earth. Story by Donald Wolheim. Another version of this story originally aired on Dimension X.

SEGMENT 12: 09 am - 10 am Eastern / 06 am - 07 am Pacific
Episode: 012 - A couple purchase a holo-theater to keep their son and daughter amused, but the recreation of the sweltering African savannah the children concoct is anything but amusing... Story by Ray Bradbury.

The 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show

The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper,

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Our Guestbook - http://pub33.bravenet.com/guestbook/2798844518
The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - www.xchronicles-newspaper.com

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Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Toll Free: (800) 610-7035
Tel: (905) 575-1222
Fax: (905) 575-1222
Skype: xzoneradiotv

Mycotoxins in Food (Part Two)

Mycotoxins are common occurrences in our food supply. If there is any type of health liability, the ingestion of mycotoxins only adds to the toxic load. There can be great benefit, therefore, in mycotoxin avoidance.

The veterinary world is well aware of this truth. The Center for Veterinary Medicine, part of the Food and Drug Administration, gave a startling presentation in 2006 listing specific mycotoxins and some of the health effects for animals and humans.

The following excerpts highlight some of the key findings of Dr. Michael Henry, as presented to the Risk Management Agency:


• Produced by Aspergillus sp. (A. flavus and A. parasiticus)

• Common feed substrates such as corn, cottonseed, peanuts, and sorghum.

• Occur most commonly in warm, humid regions of the south and central regions of the U.S.

• High levels of aflatoxins are associated with above-average temperature and below-average rainfall (micro-climate)


• Produced by members of genus Fusarium (especially F. graminearum)

• Commonly found on wheat, barley, rye and oats

• Reported most frequently in cool, temperate regions (northern U.S. and Canada)

• Member of the trichothecene family of mycotoxins

• Inhibitor of protein synthesis, affecting GI tract and immune system

• Swine most susceptible -- causing vomiting and feed refusal


• Produced by Fusarium sp. (F. verticillioides)

• Found worldwide, mainly in corn and particularly corn screenings

• High levels associated with hot and dry weather, followed by periods of high humidity

• Three major fumonisins in feed are B1, B2 & B3 (B1 + B2 + B3 = total fumonisins)

• Most susceptible species are horses (equine leukoencephalomalacia) and rabbits

• Suspected carcinogens

Ochratoxin A

• Produced by Aspergillus sp. (A. ochraceus) and Penicillium sp. (P. viridicatum)

• Highest levels usually found in cereal grains (corn, barley, wheat and rye)

• At least nine ochratoxins identified, but ochratoxin A is the most common and has the greatest toxicological significance

• Nephrotoxic and a suspected carcinogen

• No FDA action, advisory or guidance levels established for ochratoxin A in U.S. feed


• Produced by Fusarium sp. (primarily F. graminearum)

• Common substrates are corn, wheat, barley, occasionally oats

• Production favored by high humidity and low temperatures

• Estrogenic mycotoxin, swine most susceptible – vulvar swelling in gilts

• Toxicity related to reproductive system

• No FDA action, advisory or guidance levels established for zearalenone in U.S. feed.

The full report can be viewed here.

The website Know Mycotoxins offers valuable information on mycotoxin management for animal feed. Here, too, we see a striking understanding of the dangers of crop contamination:

Any growing crop, including forage and cereals, is susceptible to mould, with Fusarium types being the main concern. Fusarium moulds can produce mycotoxins on the growing plant. Whilst the moulds themselves may not survive the transition from field to feeding trough, the mycotoxins will remain intact, though invisible to the naked eye. Feeds may therefore appear and analyse as high quality, but may harbour a mycotoxin(s) challenge.

From my perspective, what's healthy for animals is also healthy for me. Animals are at risk when they eat contaminated food. Are we any different?

Fri May 27 2011 - Today on The 'X' Zone with Rob McConnell

The following interviews can be heard starting at 10 pm - 2 am Eastern / 7 pm - 11 pm Pacific (Network 1) 2 am - 6 am Eastern / 11 pm - 2 am Pacific (Network 2) 6 pm - 10 pm Eastern / 3 pm - 7 pm Pacific on The TalkStar Radio Network from our Washington DC Affiliate at http://radiotime.com/WebTuner.aspx?StationId=100596&ProgramId=149441& or Apple iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=295327298 or at The 'X' Zone Podcast website at http://www.xzonepodcast.com/
The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper Current and Past Editions is Now available for your reading pleasure at www.xchronicles-newspaper.com

SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific
TED READER - Celebrity Chef -
Ted Reader is an award-winning chef and food entertainer, who's parlayed his passion for food into a culinary tour de force that includes more than a dozen cook books, shelves of food products, live culinary performances, TV and radio cooking shows and appearances as well as culinary demonstrations, a catering company and teaching. Known for his wild hair, pyrotechnic charm and fearless culinary spirit, it's no surprise that GQ magazine labeled him the "crazy Canuck barbecue kingpin." The dude just loves to cook! Ted's quest for creating "real food for real people" has seen this high-profile culinary barbecue guru demonstrate his flair for grilling in all venues from swanky ball rooms to the Pacific Ocean to a downtown Toronto parking lot. Today, he owns more than 75 barbecues, grills and smokers in all shapes and sizes and never goes anywhere without one in the back of his truck. Says Ted: "You can cook anything on the grill. All you need is some imagination and a 'have no fear' attitude. I love grilling and barbecuing because it brings out the natural flavors of food. It's all about the grilling, the glazing, the dipping and the licking." Before his career really took off, Ted gained kitchen experience, working at such notable spots as the Old School House Restaurant in Brantford. The barbecue became Ted's instrument of choice during a summer job at a fishing and hunting resort in Northern Ontario. He was Executive Chef for four years at the Skydome Hotel in Toronto and worked as team chef for a number of teams on the CART champion car racing circuit. - www.tedreader.com

SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific
DR WILLIAM SCHNEID - Supreme Court Upholds Mandatory Employment Eligibility Checks -
The United States Supreme Court voted today to uphold a controversial Arizona law that punishes employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants. In a 5-3 vote split on ideological lines, the decision maintains an Arizona requirement for businesses to use a federal verification system to check job candidates' immigration status. The law in question is separate fron the more recent and deeply controversial Arizona law championed by current Governor Jan Brewer which requires police to ask anyone they stop about their immigration status if they have a "reasonable suspicion" they are in the country illegally. That law has been been put on hold while legal challenges work their way through the courts. Brewer is lobbying to skip the Ninth Circuit Court and bring the case before the Supreme Court. A loss there would be a tremendous blow to immigrants rights groups, who so far have garnered the support of everyone from the Phoenix Suns to Shakira in opposing the law. In today's case, Chief Justice Roberts' 27-page opinion for the court's conservative majority states "that the Arizona regulation does not otherwise conflict with federal law" as argued by parties' opposing the law. The liberal justices--Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor and Stephen Breyer--represented the interests of a coalition of organizations that included the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, civil and workers rights groups as well as the Obama administration. Those opposing the Arizona law argue that the federal Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 forbids states from enacting any laws that prevent businesses from hiring illegal immigrants. In his dissenting opinion Justice Breyer wrote that the law will impose "burdens on lawful employment" and further could result in "unlawful discrimination." The law upheld, the Legal Arizona Workers Act was originally signed by then-Governor Janet Napolitano in 2007 - www.worldfind.biz

SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific
DR. JUDITH WRIGHT - Do You Text During Sex? -
A media favorite, sought after speaker, respected leader, best-selling author, world-class coach, and corporate consultant in the area of personal transformation, leadership development, and personal goal fulfillment, Dr. Judith Wright wrote There Must Be More Than This, The One Decision, and The Soft Addiction Solution to share her personal transformation and proven methodologies with a broader audience. Dr. Wright is a pioneer in the field of human development having first risen to national prominence by developing cutting edge programs for those with developmental disabilities in the areas of education and early childhood development. These experiences fueled her passion for developing human potential and strengthened her deep-rooted commitment to help people live great lives. Dr. Wright then applied the profound insights she discovered to people in all areas of life with significant success. Since then, after twenty years of developing and delivering highly successful personal development programs, she and her husband, Dr. Bob Wright, co-founded the Wright Leadership Institute in Chicago, offering cutting-edge training, coaching, and peer empowerment groups. She is also co-founder of the Wright Graduate Institute for the Realization of Human Potential, offering master's and doctoral degrees in Human Development. In addition, Dr. Judith Wright is the founder of SOFIA (Society of Femininity in Action), providing revolutionary leadership training for women. Dr. Wright is a sought-after expert who has appeared as a featured lifestyle expert and coach on ABC's 20/20, Oprah, Good Morning America, the Today show and hundreds of radio and television shows. Called the "world's ultimate expert," her work has appeared in over 70 magazines and newspapers around the globe including Marie Claire, Fitness Magazine, Health, Better Homes and Gardens, Shape, The New York Daily News, The Chicago Tribune, The Boston Herald, and The San Francisco Chronicle. In 2008, Dr. Wright completed a comprehensive ten-year research initiative exploring the process of and components for living a great life. This research forms the basis for the pioneering More Life Process, which has changed the lives of thousands of people. In addition, Drs. Judith and Bob Wright are among the country's foremost experts on transformational leadership founding the Foundation for Transformational Leadership as well as The Transformational Leadership Symposium, convening leadership experts from around the nation in the recognition of cutting edge leaders including Brad Anderson, former CEO of Best Buy, as well as the 2011 Award recipient, Dr. Muhammud Yunus. Dr. Wright has her BA in psychology, her MA in education and counseling and her doctorate in Educational Leadership and Change. - www.drjudithwright.com

SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
BARBARA AND PAUL GERHARDT - From Abortion Rights to Illegal Immigration -
Barbara and Paul Gerhardt are the co-authors of CHOICE MATTERS. Born and raised in Chicago, they both attended the University of Colorado. Paul majored in political science and, after 3 years in the service, he served for thirty years as the executive director of the American Accounting Association. CHOICE MATTERS is his second book. Barbara worked in real estate and as a property manager. In addition she has written and illustrated two children's books. The Gerhardt's have lived in Sarasota for the past 39 years, during which time they have hashed and re-hashed the questions and concerns which provide the basis for CHOICE MATTERS. Their book seeks to stimulate thought and discussion on a myriad of issues and illustrate the importance of well thought-out, pragmatic choice in our personal and public lives. - www.gerhardtbooks.com

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Mycotoxins in Food (Part One)

One of the biggest reasons our family continues to embrace a grain-free diet is the compelling scientific evidence that mycotoxins frequently find their way into our grain supply. As we attempt to rid our bodies of unwanted pathogens, it's critical to choose healthy, fresh foods which are both easily digested and uncontaminated. The following peer-reviewed study, published in 2003 by Tulane University, looks at the implications of mycotoxins in foods.

Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by microfungi that are capable of causing disease and death in humans and other animals. Because of their pharmacological activity, some mycotoxins or mycotoxin derivatives have found use as antibiotics, growth promotants, and other kinds of drugs; still others have been implicated as chemical warfare agents. This review focuses on the most important ones associated with human and veterinary diseases, including aflatoxin, citrinin, ergot alkaloids, fumonisins, ochratoxin A, patulin, trichothecenes, and zearalenone.

The study, which is lengthy and scholarly, looks at each mycotoxin and its threat to human and animal health. It gives the following information about ochratoxin, the mycotoxin which is emitted from some species of aspergillus and penicillium:

With other mycotoxins, the substrate on which the molds grow as well as the moisture level, temperature, and presence of competitive microflora interact to influence the level of toxin produced. Ochratoxin A has been found in barley, oats, rye, wheat, coffee beans, and other plant products, with barley having a particularly high likelihood of contamination. There is also concern that ochratoxin may be present in certain wines, especially those from grapes contaminated with Aspergillus carbonarius.

Of the Aspergillus toxins, only ochratoxin is potentially as important as the aflatoxins. The kidney is the primary target organ. Ochratoxin A is a nephrotoxin to all animal species studied to date and is most likely toxic to humans, who have the longest half-life for its elimination of any of the species examined. In addition to being a nephrotoxin, animal studies indicate that ochratoxin A is a liver toxin, an immune suppressant, a potent teratogen, and a carcinogen. Ochratoxin A disturbs cellular physiology in multiple ways, but it seems that the primary effects are associated with the enzymes involved in phenylalanine metabolism, mostly by inhibiting the enzyme involved in the synthesis of the phenylalanine-tRNA complex. In addition, it inhibits mitochondrial ATP production and stimulates lipid peroxidation.

To read the study in its entirety, click here.

Thur May 26 2011 - Today on The 'X' Zone with Rob McConnell

The following interviews can be heard starting at 10 pm - 2 am Eastern / 7 pm - 11 pm Pacific (Network 1) 2 am - 6 am Eastern / 11 pm - 2 am Pacific (Network 2) 6 pm - 10 pm Eastern / 3 pm - 7 pm Pacific on The TalkStar Radio Network from our Washington DC Affiliate at http://radiotime.com/WebTuner.aspx?StationId=100596&ProgramId=149441& or Apple iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=295327298 or at The 'X' Zone Podcast website at http://www.xzonepodcast.com/

The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper Current and Past Editions is Now available for your reading pleasure at www.xchronicles-newspaper.com

SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific
DR CARNIE MATISONN - The Final Audit -
The Final Audit is a thought-provoking tale of one man's attempt to explain his existence to his children, and embarks on a wonderful portrayal of his life with Gulliver as his guide and mentor. His lifelong wish is to trace valuable artwork stolen from his family by the SS in Nazi-occupied Norway during World War II. His tale starts with an impoverished childhood in a family devoid and incapable of love, leaving a 12-year-old boy to survive in a rickety caravan on his own during the post-World War era. Despite his circumstances, the author peppers his narration with his trademark dry humor and irony. You are swept on a journey through 1950s Johannesburg as the author fights anti-Semitism in an effort to improve his situation through education and a high work ethic. As he achieves huge highs and fatalistic lows in both his career and marriage, he remains focused on the missing artwork, inadvertently becoming involved with Mossad in an attempt to hunt down a Nazi war criminal. - www.thefinalaudit.com

SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific
SINTHIA - Healer -
Sinthia was born with this ability to heal and see the energy in the different ways, like colors, entities, higher beings, etc. Sinthia has done this for more than fifteen years, her preparation has been with different Teachers from Mexico to India. The objective of this preparation is to heal our lives, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Sinthia gives courses, conferences, and group therapy in group, etc. Recently she was contacted with two Guides or Teachers who gave me some healing techniques and taught me many others things about important subjects.

SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific
JOHN DePASQUALE - Retired Chief Warrant Officer Special Agent with the U.S. Department of Defense (Army). -
Mr. DePasquale grew up in South Brooklyn N.Y during the 40's, 50's and 60's with a mother who was always on welfare and a step father who wanted nothing to do with him, as a result he developed street smarts and survival skills which later helped in his career. During the peak of the Viet-Nam war Mr. DePasquale attempted to dodge the draft by having a local Godfather sign him up for the local Army Reserves, this only pro-longed to inevitable and his Reserve unit was later activated to active duty and he wound up in the Central Highlands of Viet-Nam. Upon Mr. DePasquale's return to the U.S; and being greatly discouraged by the war, he moved himself and family to Australia where he met David Hackworth, an Army retiree who was portrayed in the movie Apocalypse Now with Marlon Brando and another American named Jay who he later helped smuggle $250,000.00 out of the country. Mr. DePasquale had to later flee the country with his son after the loss of his money and business, leaving his wife behind. Mr. DePasquale re-entered the Army and was re-assigned to Germany, because of his past experience he was on the fast track for promotions averaging an increase in pay grade every year. Being burned out from working the German streets as a undercover drug dealer, he and three friends from Brooklyn planned to rob a Army payroll truck. Having failed at the robbery and not getting caught turned out to be a major turning point his life, he was later recruited by the Criminal Investigation Division (CID), an elite group working directly for the Secretary of Defense Dick Chaney. He continued on the fast track for promotions and after his promotion to Chief Warrant Officer, was designated for Special Operations and temporarily assigned to Panama where he assisted the CIA with the capture of Manuel Noreiga. During his Special Operations assignment he met a Captain who was also involved with Noreiga but smuggling drugs for him using U.S. planes. Mr. DePasquale later retired In 1998 from the Military after a mass murder of kids and their Father on the installation he was assigned as Special Agent in Charge and which could have been avoided if it were not for politics. After retirement he purchased a 47' sail boat and sailed along the west coast trying to forget some his past, while in San Diego was notified by his wife she wanted a divorce. Mr. DePasquale now lives in Florida where he continues to look for adventures. - http://trueadventuresofavagabond.com

SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
MYRNA LAMB - The Astrology of Great Sex - In The Astrology of Great Sex a provocative and eye-opening book, award-winning radio talk show host and astrologer Myrna Lamb reveals-sign by sign-which partnerships truly complement each other and which ones are likely to burn out. Plus, Lamb backs up her astrological insights with the explicit, real-life confessions of the 1,200 men and women she surveyed regarding their sexual turn-ons and turn-offs. Respondents relate, in their own words, their sexual preferences and admit their deepest desires and most delicious sensual memories. And amazingly, the answers are incredibly consistent with the signs of the Zodiac. Also included is a sex survey for you to complete so that you and your partner can discover-and fulfill-your own fantasies. Myrna Lamb is a professional astrologer, radio personality, and author. She writes a weekly astrology column and hosts a weekly astrology show in Providence, Rhode Island. You can visit her at http://myrnalamb.wordpress.com\

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Unknown Prophet X Exposes False Prophets Exclusively on The 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show


Unknown Prophet X will be debuting on The 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show on Monday May 30th 2011 exposing the false prophets of Planet Earth including Harold Camping, Nostradamus, Billy Meier, Jaysen Rand, and all earthling who talk doom, gloom, worldwide cataclysm and other negativities that are being spread that cause fear in the hearts of the good and the righteous. 

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Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
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Wed May 25 2011: The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell

The following interviews can be heard starting at 10 pm - 2 am Eastern / 7 pm - 11 pm Pacific (Network 1) 2 am - 6 am Eastern / 11 pm - 2 am Pacific (Network 2) 6 pm - 10 pm Eastern / 3 pm - 7 pm Pacific on The TalkStar Radio Network from our Washington DC Affiliate at http://radiotime.com/WebTuner.aspx?StationId=100596&ProgramId=149441& or Apple iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=295327298 or at The 'X' Zone Podcast website at http://www.xzonepodcast.com/
The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper Current and Past Editions is Now available for your reading pleasure at www.xchronicles-newspaper.com

SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific
JIM MARRS - The Sisterhood of the Rose -
A native of Fort Worth, Texas, Mr. Marrs earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from the University of North Texas in 1966 and attended Graduate School at Texas Tech in Lubbock for two years more. He has worked for several Texas newspapers, including the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, where beginning in 1968 he served as police reporter and general assignments reporter covering stories locally, in Europe and the Middle East. After a leave of absence to serve with a Fourth Army intelligence unit during the Vietnam War, he became military and aerospace writer for the newspaper and an investigative reporter. Since 1980, Mr. Marrs has been a free-lance writer, author and public relations consultant. He also published a rural weekly newspaper along with a monthly tourism tabloid, a cable television show and several videos. Since 1976, Mr. Marrs has taught a course on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy at the University of Texas at Arlington. In 1989, his book, Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy, was published to critical acclaim and reached the New York Times Paperback Non-Fiction Best Seller list in mid-February 1992. It became a basis for the Oliver Stone film JFK. Mr. Marrs served as a chief consultant for both the film's screenplay and production. Beginning in 1992, Mr. Marrs spent three years researching and completing a non-fiction book on a top-secret government program involving the psychic phenomenon known as remote viewing only to have it mysteriously cancelled as it was going to press in the summer of 1995. Within two months, the story of military-developed remote viewing broke nationally in the Washington Post after the CIA held a press conference revealing the program but putting their own spin on psychic studies. "Psi Spies" is now available from JimMarrs.com. In May, 1997, Marrs' in-depth investigation of UFOs, Alien Agenda, was published by HarperCollins Publishers. Mr. Marrs has been a featured speaker at a number of national conferences including the Annual International UFO Congress and the Annual Gulf Breeze UFO Conference. Publisher's Weekly described Alien Agenda as "the most entertaining and complete overview of flying saucers and their crew in years." The paperback edition was released in mid-1998 and has since become the best-selling UFO book ever in the United States. Beginning in 2000, he began teaching a course on UFOs at the University of Texas at Arlington. In early 2000, HarperCollins published Rule by Secrecy, which traced the hidden history that connects modern secret societies to the Ancient Mysteries. In 2003, his book The War on Freedom probed the conspiracies of the 9/11 attacks and their aftermath. An award-winning journalist, Mr. Marrs is listed both in Who's Who in the World and Who's Who in America. Mr. Marrs has won several writing and photography awards including the Aviation/Aerospace Writer's Association's National Writing Award and Newsmaker of the Year Award from the Fort Worth Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists. In 1993, Mr. Marrs received Freedom Magazine's Human Rights Leadership Award. Mr. Marrs has appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, CSPAN, the Discovery, Learning and History Channels, This Morning America, Geraldo, Montell Williams, Today and The Larry King, Rob McConnell's 'X' Zone Radio Show and Art Bell radio programs along with numerous national and regional radio and TV shows. He is a former president of the Press Club of Fort Worth and a current member of the Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi, and the Investigative Reporters and Editors. - www.jimmarrs.com

SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific
BETSY MULLER - Energy Awareness -
Betsy Muller is professional speaker, personal coach, healer and author. She specializes in teaching people how to use "energy awareness" to overcome the limitations of aging, pain and stress so that they feel great, live well and get more done every day. After decades working in a variety of traditional business and healthcare management settings, life changed in 2001 when she discovered energy psychology techniques at a conference in Switzerland. Since then, her passion has been to help others enjoy balanced and purposeful lives by integrating positive energy into life and business applications. Her company, The Indigo Connection, offers individual coaching, wellness programs, retreats, practitioner training and a women's coaching and a networking breakfast event held every month for over 5 years. Betsy's past employers include PPG Industries, BP Oil Company, Southwest General Health Center and OsteoMed II, a group medical practice integrating alternative and conventional medicine. Ms. Muller earned a BA in Chemistry from the College of Wooster and an MBA in Systems Management from Baldwin Wallace College. She is the 2nd person in the world to become a Certified Energy Health Practitioner though the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology. Betsy is also Ohio's first Certified Energy Coach, a Certified EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Practitioner, a Certified Medical Office Manager and an ordained minister. is also an Executive with the world's leading company in anti-aging technology. Betsy's books include Powerful Statements for Everyday Healing(2009), Tapping into Creativiy (2009) and 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health (2007). She has published numerous articles on life balance, success, goal setting and practical applications for positive energy in daily life. She will soon release a new book, Energy Makeover which includes a multifaceted self-care formula for invigorating your life experience, health and emotional state at any age. Betsy lives in Northeast Ohio with her husband George and is the mother of two adult children. She is a health enthusiast, gardener, animal lover and avid reader who loves to travel. - www.theindigoconnection.com 

SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific
ANDY THOMAS - The Truth Agenda -
Andy is a leading UK researcher into unexplained mysteries and conspiracies and is the author of the acclaimed The Truth Agenda, which explores the link between paranormal phenomena, global cover-ups and 2012 prophecies. His many other books include Vital Signs, described widely as the definitive guide to the crop circle phenomenon [published by Frog Ltd in the US]. Andy is founder of Changing Times, which holds events on truth and liberty issues, and he also runs Vital Signs Publishing, which produced Geoff Stray's seminal Beyond 2012 [now available in the US & Canada from Bear & Co.], and which Andy edited. Andy is also the MC/presenter for The Glastonbury Symposium and The Alternative View conferences in the UK. Andy extensively writes and lectures around the world, and has made numerous radio and TV appearances. Major UK spots have included Channel 4's Richard and Judy, BBC 2's Esther, ITV's GMTV, BBC 1's The One Show and Sky 1's recent smash hit show Pineapple Dance Studios. Andy has also featured in television programmes as far afield as the USA, Peru, Japan, Germany, Italy and many other countries. - www.truthagenda.com

SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
CATALINA - Angelic Councillor -
Catalina is an Angelic Councilor who carries the starseed electrical energies to spark our lives here on Earth. She sparks our lives by creating inspirational art that contains specific vibrational energies for us to receive and she serves as an angelic councillor who conducts angel reading/energy light healing sessions for individuals & groups. She is the author of the book BECOMING AN ANGEL ~ Dancing Through The Veil ~ plus is a spiritual teacher who teaches via teleseminars, radio interviews and live audiences. Catalina's Earth training includes 22 years of studies and practical application of A Course In Miracles, Religious Science, Scientology, Quantum Physics/Mechanics, Yoga, Cosmology and Energetics. On an ethereal/spiritual level Catalina has been in conscious training and study with her personal angelic guidance team for the past 10 years. Catalina serves as part of the Guardian Alliance's task force on Earth to assist and serve humanity as a live angelic being who show's the way for others who are making their entrance into their human angelic self. Geared with advanced genetics (these are gifts that Indigo's bring to the planet), Catalina is able to heal and assist through various ways that include vibrational DNA codes that transmit through her voice, laughter, physical body, dancing, writing, paintings and artistic expression. Another way of saying this, is that Catalina is an energetic transmitter that holds certain frequencies that are needed for our planet and humanity now. - www.catalinasangels.com

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Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
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Tue May 24 2011: The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell

The following interviews can be heard starting at 10 pm - 2 am Eastern / 7 pm - 11 pm Pacific (Network 1) 2 am - 6 am Eastern / 11 pm - 2 am Pacific (Network 2) 6 pm - 10 pm Eastern / 3 pm - 7 pm Pacific on The TalkStar Radio Network from our Washington DC Affiliate at http://radiotime.com/WebTuner.aspx?StationId=100596&ProgramId=149441& or Apple iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=295327298 or at The 'X' Zone Podcast website at http://www.xzonepodcast.com/

The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper Current and Past Editions is Now available for your reading pleasure at www.xchronicles-newspaper.com

SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific
PETER WOOLFORD - The Mis Math of the Harold Camping Doomsday Prophecy -
author of The Genesis Grid, is the man theologians love to hate! Well, it's been rather disruptive for them to find that Genesis chapter one is built on the first 31 digits of pi, and perplexing for them when impartial mathematicians endorse that finding. "Populist hysteria" is what they call it, but we at The 'X' Zone have studied the book and think otherwise. Since 2003 the indications are building that this story, first released a year ago, will culminate in an exact eight year pattern at the end of September 2011. European powers are planning to jump into the vacuum of failing U.S. diplomacy, to impose a solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Hardly anyone is aware of what the Germans are scheming to do, but they are acting according to a predetermined pattern laid down in the Bible thousands of years ago by powers alien to our planet. Germany will be aided by a man occupying a hugely powerful ancient office, the first century progenitor of which was a magician! It's all happening now before our eyes, if we will but look! - www.genesisgrid.co.uk

SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific
PASTOR HARRY WALTHER - End of the World - Saturday, May 21 2011 -
Non Event Re Cap - The Weekend Forecast: Cloudy with a Chance of Doomsday? Be sure to live it up on Friday, because come Saturday, May 21, the end of the world will be upon us, according to Christian talk radio personality Harold Camping. Camping maintains that the Bible predicts that the Rapture will occur on May 21, 2011, and any left behind will be able to look forward to the end of the world on October 21, 2011. His proof? According to his interpretation of Bible timelines, the year 2011 is the 7,000th anniversary of the famous flood involving Noah and his ark. Why May 21st? According to Camping and followers, it is the 17th day of the 2nd month using the Hebrew calendar, which is a Biblically significant date. Camping is backed up by eBible Fellowship teacher Chris McCann and McCann's followers. Camping is no stranger to doomsday predictions: in 1992, the Christian author published a book titled 1994?, claiming that the rapture would occur on September 6, 1994. Since that day seventeen years ago came and went without incident, most do not hold stock in Camping's claims. Many are creating spoof websites, and atheist groups in the U.S. are holding "rapture parties" as a way to ridicule Camping's May 21st prediction. - www.satansrapture.com

SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific
Merrell Fankhauser-The eccentric guitar/ songwriting genius behind psych/folk-rockers Fapardokly and H.M.S. Bounty-is back on the scene with an all-new album of shimmering delights from MU, his long-dormant band of lysergic visionaries. Return To MU not only flashes the utopian spirit of those golden days of the Summer Of Love, it features many of its original participants, including: Quicksilver Messenger Service guitar god John Cipollina, Jay Ferguson and Ed Cassidy of Spirit, John McEuen of the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band and Rolling Stones/Kinks session keyboard whiz Nicky Hopkins

SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
JEFF ALLEN DANELEK - Doomsday Prophecies -
Harold Camping, the radio evangelist who predicted the apocalypse would begin Saturday, May 21, 2011, said today his understanding of God's plan was just a little off. Speaking outside the headquarters of his media empire near the Oakland, Calif., airport, Camping said his prediction that the Rapture would occur Saturday might have been wrong, but he stands by his prophecy that the world will come to an end as forecast on Oct. 21. In a rambling discourse to reporters outside his Family Radio International office, Camping, an 89-year-old retired civil engineer, indicated he had misread the signs in predicting that the faithful would be lifted up to Heaven Saturday, leaving sinners to suffer through five months of disasters until the Earth was consumed in a fireball on the End of Days. God did "bring judgment on the world," on Saturday, he said, but there will not be any terrible buildup to the end. When it comes, it will happen quickly, he said. "We have to be looking at all of this a little bit more spiritual, but it won't be spiritual on Oct. 21," he said. "Because the Bible clearly teaches that then the world is going to be destroyed altogether." His radio station will no longer preach about the end of the world, he said, because God's judgment has already come. On Sunday, after the Rapture failed to occur Saturday as he had predicted, Camping was "mystified" and "a little bewildered," an associate of the California preacher told ABC News. Tom Evans, a board member of Family Radio International, said Sunday that Camping's wife told him her husband was at their home and had no intention to speak or issue any statement for at least two days. However, the evangelist did speak on Monday, saying he had been disappointed by the apparent failure of his prophecy, so he and his wife had gone to a hotel room so that he could sort out what had happened without distraction. "When May 21 came and went, it was a very difficult time for me, a very difficult time," he said. "I really, really was praying and praying and praying, 'Oh Lord, what happened?'" - www.ourcuriousworld.com

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Harold Camping, Doomsday Preacher, Says Prediction of Rapture Was Wrong, but Not About End of the World

Harold Camping, the radio evangelist who predicted the apocalypse would begin Saturday, May 21, 2011, said today his understanding of God's plan was just a little off.

Speaking outside the headquarters of his media empire near the Oakland, Calif., airport, Camping said his prediction that the Rapture would occur Saturday might have been wrong, but he stands by his prophecy that the world will come to an end as forecast on Oct. 21.

In a rambling discourse to reporters outside his Family Radio International office, Camping, an 89-year-old retired civil engineer, indicated he had misread the signs in predicting that the faithful would be lifted up to Heaven Saturday, leaving sinners to suffer through five months of disasters until the Earth was consumed in a fireball on the End of Days.

God did "bring judgment on the world," on Saturday, he said, but there will not be any terrible buildup to the end. When it comes, it will happen quickly, he said.

"We have to be looking at all of this a little bit more spiritual, but it won't be spiritual on Oct. 21," he said. "Because the Bible clearly teaches that then the world is going to be destroyed altogether." His radio station will no longer preach about the end of the world, he said, because God's judgment has already come.

On Sunday, after the Rapture failed to occur Saturday as he had predicted, Camping was "mystified" and "a little bewildered," an associate of the California preacher told ABC News.

Tom Evans, a board member of Family Radio International, said Sunday that Camping's wife told him her husband was at their home and had no intention to speak or issue any statement for at least two days.

However, the evangelist did speak on Monday, saying he had been disappointed by the apparent failure of his prophecy, so he and his wife had gone to a hotel room so that he could sort out what had happened without distraction.

"When May 21 came and went, it was a very difficult time for me, a very difficult time," he said. "I really, really was praying and praying and praying, 'Oh Lord, what happened?'"

Camping had pinpointed May 21, at 5:59 p.m. as the exact time the Rapture would occur, when those chosen by God would ascend to heaven while cataclysmic earthquakes would begin to rock earth.

He spread the word on billboards, posters, fliers and digital bus displays across the country.

"I am utterly absolutely, absolutely convinced it's going to happen," Camping said last week.

It is not the first time Camping was mistaken about the end of the world. He once predicted the End of Days to be Sept. 6, 1994, but later said that date was a result of a mathematical error.

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An Untimely Backward 4

I find board games frustrating. Often I get a comfortable lead, gloat to my opponent, and with one unfortunate card I'm back in last place. Candyland is a perfect example. You pick the Queen Frostine card, and you're within striking distance of home. Plumpy shows up and you're back at the beginning.

The newer edition allows a player to ignore a card he doesn't like. In fact, Plumpy doesn't exist! I might be interested in that version, but somehow it feels like cheating.

My kids are into Sorry.

I played last week with my two youngest boys and experienced unprecedented good fortune. I found myself with a myriad of 1's and 11's and a perfectly timed backward 4. Two more cards and I found myself with all four pawns in the safety zone. I could taste victory.

All I needed was a 5 followed by a 3. Instead I drew a backward 4. What?! How could this be? If I moved four squares back I'd be vulnerable. I begged and pleaded. "Please let me go two backward. Please!" They were too savvy to bend the rules.

The next player, Colin, drew a Sorry card. I begged and pleaded again. "Pick Brandon! Please!" There was no denying the truth, however. I was Colin's biggest threat. He mercilessly chose me.

I found myself back at the beginning, and within five minutes the game was over. I finished in last place.

I didn't care, of course. Not really. Those 15 minutes were fun. Exciting. Frustrating. And funny. Most of all, they were shared. One day the three of us will laugh about our shared experience, because Sorry is just like life.

We work hard to get into the safety zone and do our best to protect ourselves from pain and sorrow. We hang on to our possessions and our loved ones.

Until some unfortunate card pulls us out of safety and forces us to see the truth about life.

The truth that all the retirement plans and insurance policies in the world can't keep us from pain and loss. Tornadoes hit, illness strikes, wealth disappears, and dreams are crushed. Sorry cards are part of living.

The good news is that there is an eternal home where safety becomes reality. A place described in the book of Revelation:

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes;
and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying,
neither shall there be any more pain.

Until that day comes we share, we bond, we laugh, we love, and we play with all our heart. Confident that, ultimately, the card we draw doesn't matter. Only that we keep moving forward. Even with an untimely backward 4.

Mon May 23 2011 - Today on The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell

The following interviews can be heard starting at 10 pm - 2 am Eastern / 7 pm - 11 pm Pacific (Network 1) 2 am - 6 am Eastern / 11 pm - 2 am Pacific (Network 2) 6 pm - 10 pm Eastern / 3 pm - 7 pm Pacific on The TalkStar Radio Network from our Washington DC Affiliate at http://radiotime.com/WebTuner.aspx?StationId=100596&ProgramId=149441& or Apple iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=295327298 or at The 'X' Zone Podcast website at http://www.xzonepodcast.com/

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SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific
ROSALIND PETERSEN - Agriculture Defense Coalition - PART TWO -
Rosalind Peterson is the California President and Co-Founder of the Agriculture Defense Coalition (ADC), formed in 2006 to protect agricultural crop production from uncontrolled experimental weather modification programs, atmospheric heating and testing programs, and ocean and atmospheric experimental geoengineering programs. In 1995, Rosalind became a certified U.S.D.A. Farm Service Agency Crop Loss Adjustor working in more than ten counties throughout California. Many crop losses throughout the State can be attributed to weather related causes. Rosalind earned a BA degree from Sonoma State University in Environmental Studies & Planning (ENSP), with emphasis on agriculture and crop production. Between 1989 and 1993 Rosalind worked as an Agricultural Technologist for the Mendocino County Department of Agriculture. After leaving Mendocino County she took a position with the USDA Farm Service Agency as a Program Assistant in Mendocino, Sonoma, and the Salinas County Offices. Ms Peterson has won several awards and recognition for her extensive efforts to protect drinking water supplies from toxic chemical contamination in Martinez, California. - www.californiaskywatch.com 

SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific
WILLIAM BARNES - Using Hi Tech / Airborne Technology To Hunt Bigfoot -
William has done many types of jobs in his life, but gold-mining has always been the one he enjoyed the most. He has always loved camping out in the wilderness near a creek or a river, where he could live high in peaceful solitude, surrounded by beauty. One night in the summer of 1997, William was camped in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, when he watched a large creature wandering down the side of a canyon, then walked up to my tent at such close range, he could have touched it, and then walked on . For the next twelve years William became obsessed with researching, and thinking of a way to film this magnificent creature in it's own environment. As he began to read about other encounters, William was surprised to hear that he was not alone in this endeavour, and he has learned from the problems encountered by other researchers. He finally came up with the idea of using a 35 foot, custom-made remote-controlled, dual airship with an extremely quiet engine and the latest technology in thermal imaging. William has a partner, Jason Valenti, who is also a bigfoot researcher. - www.bigfoot24-7.com

SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific
DEENA BUDD - The Weiser Field Guide to Cryptozoology -
includes information, interviews, and stories about forty different cryptids seen in various places all over the world by credible eyewitnesses like policemen, rangers, and doctors. Readers will learn where and how to find flying humanoids, hairy humanoids, giants of all kinds including rabbits, bats and spiders, goblins, vampires, werewolves, demons, aliens and ghosts. In the third book of our Weiser Field Guides, BellaOnline paranormal editor, Deena West Budd, surveys the still-emerging field of cryptozoology--a term coined in the 1950s by a French zoologist named Bernard Heuvelmans--the study of "hidden" or "unknown" animals not recognized in standard zoology. From traditional cryptids like Big Foot, the Abominable Snowman and Nessie, to mythical cryptids like unicorns, vampires, dragons, and werewolves, to lesser-known cryptids like bunyips (waterhorses), Encantado (Dolphin Men of Brazil), thunderbirds, mothmen, and chupacabra, these creatures are very much alive, says Budd, even if beyond the realm of normal perception. - http://redwheelweiser.com

SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
FRANCES EMMA BARWOOD - Anonymous Operation UFO -
Retired Phoenix Vice Mayor and Councilwoman. Frances Barwood was elected to Phoenix City Council in January 1992 and was re-elected to a second term January 1994. In January 1997 she was elected Vice-Mayor. Ufologists, Arizonians and eyewitnesses to the huge crafts that flew over the Arizona skies back in March of 1997 are all familiar with the name "Frances Emma Barwood." Her name is synonymous with the events; her solitary voice pierced the silence of the restrained politically correct and demanded answers! The airspace of her city and state was repeatedly violated by a huge unidentified crafts, (and smaller ones), which maneuvered through the skies without impedance; people wanted to know what it was-she was the one to ask! Frances Barwood did not duck & run; she did not pass the buck; she did not ignore the situation, nor make light of it (as other government officials would later do) - she did what she was elected to do, i.e., represent her constituents and the best interests of the city of Phoenix.

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