ASTRONAUTS GONE WILD: An Investigation Into The Authenticity Of The Moon Landings

ASTRONAUTS GONE WILD: An Investigation Into The Authenticity Of The Moon Landings
Did American Astronauts Really Go To The Moon?

Witness firsthand how nine Apollo Astronauts respond. You will be able to evaluate their answers to this and other questions such as:

- What effects did the astronauts feel as they passed through the Van Allen Radiation Belts?

- Do the astronauts remember seeing any stars while on the surface of the moon?

- How did the astronauts falsify photography of being half-way to the moon when they were really in Low-Earth Orbit?

- Which astronauts refuse to swear on the Bible that they really went to the moon?
ASTRONAUTS GONE WILD: An Investigation Into The Authenticity Of The Moon Landings

SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific
E LEE GREGORY - Existence of Intelligent Extraterrestrials and Their Presence Here on Earth -
E. Lee Gregory was born Edward L Gregory on Sept 5th 1955 in the city of Norton Ohio. He attended the Norton city school system until 1975. Shortly thereafter he attained an associate degree in electronics then began work at Barberton Electronics where he worked on some of the most sophisticated electronics known to man. -

SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific
SHELLY CAMPBELL-HARVEY - Miracles and Being Pulled from Deaths Door -
Shelly is an author, speaker, and entrepreneur. She is living the 'abundant life' with her two awesome children and grandson, in radiant Southern California! Shelly is a former educator who now spends her time writing, reading, creating, and enjoying time with her family. She has written five children's books, numerous articles, and is currently working on several projects, including an eBook coming out in June, 2010. -

SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific
WILLIAM MURTHA - Dying For A Change -
William Murtha is a writer, philanthropist and activist for issues related to personal, social and global transformation. The father of three daughters, he lives close to the coast in Devon, a UK county on the western fringes of Britain. He is a speaker and co-ordinator for the South-West region of British based Scientific and Medical Network, a forum which explores the frontiers of science, consciousness and spirituality. To read (free) preview chapters of his first published book, Dying for a Change, go to: . William Murtha's gripping talk, Dying for a Change, based on the book and true account about his fight to survive hypothermia in the freezing cold waters off the coast of Britain, will astound and astonish. At a crucial time when his life was rapidly spiralling out of control, William was swept off his push-bike and out to sea by a twenty-foot freak wave. Drowning, losing consciousness and convinced that this was the end, he relived many pivotal moments from his past and experienced a life-changing conversation with a Higher Presence. William's compelling talk will inspire those attending to come face-to-face with their deepest fears about death and dying, and it challenges perceptions about emotions, life, God, miracles and why we are here. He will also share how a one in a billion miracle, (which was featured on the BBC's 999 TV series with Michael Burke), saved his life.

SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
WILLIAM BARNES - The Falcon Project -
William has done many types of jobs in his life, but gold-mining has always been the one he enjoyed the most. He has always loved camping out in the wilderness near a creek or a river, where he could live high in peaceful solitude, surrounded by beauty. One night in the summer of 1997, William was camped in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, when he watched a large creature wandering down the side of a canyon, then walked up to my tent at such close range, he could have touched it, and then walked on . For the next twelve years William became obsessed with researching, and thinking of a way to film this magnificent creature in it's own environment. As he began to read about other encounters, William was surprised to hear that he was not alone in this endeavour, and he has learned from the problems encountered by other researchers. He finally came up with the idea of using a 35 foot, custom-made remote-controlled, dual airship with an extremely quiet engine and the latest technology in thermal imaging. William has a partner, Jason Valenti, who is also a bigfoot researcher. -

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