Sat June 18 2011 - Today on The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell

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SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific
JOE BULLARD - The Mystery of the Coral Castle in Florida - Joe Bullard was born in Florida in 1951. He attended the University of West Florida and graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Journalism in 1974. He found out about the Coral Castle on the television series called "In Search Of" in September of 1984. During this time he was working at Lake City Community College as Public Information Director and Professor of a newspaper class. Joe spent 10 years of research at Coral Castle and started writing "Waiting for Agnes" in February of 1995. It took him five years to get the story on paper and almost four years to publish it. We will also be discussing The Bermuda Triangle.

SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 01 am Eastern / 8 pm - 10 pm Pacific
JOHN JAY HARPER - Prepare for the Worst, Because Solar Storms Are About to Get Ugly - Every 11 years or so, the sun gets a little pissy. It breaks out in a rash of planet-sized sunspots that spew superhot gas, hurling clouds of electrons, protons, and heavier ions toward Earth at nearly the speed of light. These solar windstorms have been known to knock out power grids and TV broadcasts, and our growing reliance on space-based technology makes us more vulnerable than ever to their effects. On January 3, scientists discovered a reverse-polarity sunspot, signaling the start of a new cycle - and some are predicting that at its peak (in about four years) things are gonna get nasty. Here's a forecast for 2012. Detours - Clumps of ions in the atmosphere could interfere with GPS. Satellite signals are slowed by bumping into particles, meaning your trusty navigator may lose its way. Remember those colorful paper things called maps? Falling Satellites - Increased solar energy heats Earth's atmosphere, causing it to expand. That's a drag on low-flying satellites and can even knock them out of orbit. A solar storm in 1979 deposited Skylab on Australia. - Layovers in Alaska - Particles are drawn to Earth's magnetic poles, right through popular flight paths. Electrons absorb the energy in shortwave signals, causing radio blackouts - and unscheduled stops in Anchorage. - Light Shows - Auroras occur when waves of charged particles light up gases in the upper atmosphere. As more particles stream in, the so-called aurora oval grows, bringing the "northern lights" as far south as Key West.

SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 1 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific
MARIE D JONES - 2013: The End of Days or a New Beginning? - The 5,125-yearlong Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012, which many claim portends a massive global transformation. Some dread its arrival, believing it will be the beginning of the end. Others await it with delicious anticipation, expecting it to be the catalyst for a quantum leap of consciousness, the dawning of a true New Age. Others wonder if anything at all will occur--remember Y2K? 2013: The End of Days or a New Beginning? examines all of the popular myths, prophecies, and predictions circulating about 2012, including the Mayan teachings of time acceleration and global awakening on a consciousness level. Furthermore it takes an in-depth look at lesser-known predictions and prophecies, and at the more scientific and reality-based challenges we will face. Some of the questions this book explores include: * Will cosmic and earthly chaos disrupt our lives with destructive sunspot cycles, volcanic super-eruptions, monster storms, mass extinctions, and asteroid threats? * Will huge leaps in technology create bionic humans, computers that think, and an end to all disease--possibly even death itself? * Will economic and geopolitical powers shift out of the West and into the "the New Eurasia," with new wars being fought over dwindling resources as global warming takes its toll?* Will this be the evolution revolution of human consciousness--or the final countdown that leads to Armageddon itself? * Will it be the apocalypse so many have feared--or the rebirth of the world and the transformation of humanity? There is much, much more to the 2012 enigma than just an ancient calendar, and 2013: The End of Days or a New Beginning? will prove it.

SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
ROBERT HUNNICUT - Georgia Ghost Society- A ghostly encounter 32 years ago in an Arizona theater was the beginning of Bob Hunnicutt's journey into the world of the ghosts and hauntings. A theater ghost challenged his notions of the existence of life after death and helped him to realize that science could not easily explain everything and known hauntings in Tucson, Tombstone and Bisbee helped to fuel his curiosity and intensify his search for answers. For the past 18 years, Bob has investigated cases of phenomena associated with a wide variety of hauntings of private residences and businesses, historic locations and landmarks throughout the state of Georgia, the Southeast as well as portions of the Mid-west. He has conducted investigations with renowned clergy, investigators, psychics and ghost hunters including demonologist John Zaffis, psychic Chip Coffey, Reese Christian and Sharon Johns, Patrick Burns, Patti Starr and exorcist Father Andrew Calder.

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