Saturday, February 12 2011 : Today from The 'X' Zone Radio Vault - The Year is 2009

The following interviews can be heard starting at 10 pm - 2 am Eastern / 7 pm - 11 pm Pacific (Network 1) 2 am - 6 am Eastern / 11 pm - 2 am Pacific (Network 2) 6 pm - 10 pm Eastern / 3 pm - 7 pm Pacific on The TalkStar Radio Network from our Washington DC Affiliate at or Apple iTunes at or at The 'X' Zone Podcast website at

ANTHONY PEAKE - What Happens When We Die? - Anthony Peake is the author of two internationally well received books, Is There Life After Death?: The Extraordinary Science of What Happens When We Die (Chartwell Books 2006) and The Daemon: A Guide to Your Extraordinary Secret Self (Arcturus Publishing, 2008). Both books have proved popular both sides of the Atlantic. His first book has already appeared in a handful of foreign language editions and already deals for Dutch and Spanish language editions have been agreed for his second book. This first book has sold in excess of 30,000 copies world-wide and the second book is already proving to be very popular. His "Cheating the Ferryman" proposal is a paradigm-changing theory about what may happen to human consciousness at the point of death. CTF, as this theory has become known, was first presented to the world in an article published in the Journal of Near-Death Studies in 2005. The editor of this Journal, Professor Bruce Greyson, was to subsequently write: "Peake's explanation of your immortality is the most innovative and provocative I have seen". Using the latest trends in psychology and philosophy, quantum physics, and current brain science - along with classical and modern philosophy eternal recurrence theories - Peake suggests a lost secret of human consciousness, and the promise that secret holds for us at death. Anthony Peake is a member of the International Association of Near Death Studies (IANDS), the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) and the Scientific & Medical Network (SMN). He is a graduate of the University of Warwick and has a post-graduate qualification from the London School of Economics. In recent years he has delivered over a hundred lectures across Great Britain and has been interviewed on numerous radio programs in the United Kingdom, U.S.A. Canada and mainland Europe. His articles have been published in magazines and journals in the UK, the US, Australia, and South Africa. He has been interviewed by dozens of radio stations in the UK, Europe, Canada and the USA. -

DR SHELLEY KAEHR - Crystal Skull Consciousness - Dr. Shelley Kaehr is currently one of the world’s leading authorities on energy healing and mind-body medicine, and author of five books. She has been a guest lecturer in a wide variety of venues including UFO and conspiracy gatherings, Unity and Universal Unitarian Churches as well as New Age and Alternative Healing Expos. A former public relations specialist and host of Beyond Reality radio show in Dallas, TX, Kaehr received her Ph.D. in Parapsychic Science from The American Institute of Holistic Theology in 2001 and has since traveled the US and abroad conducting thousands of past-life and future memory journeys through hypnosis. Her work has been endorsed by such notables as Dr. Brian Weiss, Gregg Braden and Raymond Moody, M.D. In her private practice in Dallas, TX, Kaehr specializes in grief recovery, and facilitated grief workshops with Dr. Raymond Moody, near death pioneer and author of Life After Life. -

PETER DAVENPORT - National UFO Reporting Center - Peter Davenport has been director of the National UFO Reporting Center since 1994. Additionally he has served as the director of investigations for the Washington Chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. Peter has had an active interest in the UFO phenomenon from his early boyhood. He experienced his first UFO sighting over the St. Louis municipal airport in the summer of 1954, and he investigated his first UFO case during the summer of 1965 in Exeter, New Hampshire. Peter has been witness to several anomalous events, possibly UFO related, including a dramatic sighting over Baja California in February 1990, and several nighttime sightings over Washington State during 1992. His graduate education was completed at the University of Washington in Seattle, where he earned an M.S. degree in the genetics and biochemistry of fish from the College of Fisheries, as well as an M.B.A. degree in finance and international business from the Graduate School of Business. Peter was the founding president of a Seattle-based biotechnology company, which currently employs over 300 scientists and technicians. In 1986, he was a candidate for the Washington State legislature, and in 1992, he was a candidate for the U. S. House of Representatives. -

JOHN ZAFFIS - Demonologist / Exorcist -
John Zaffis has over thirty years of experience studying and investigating the paranormal. He has had the opportunity to work for and with his aunt and uncle, Ed and Lorraine Warren. This sent John beyond looking for ghosts and hauntings and into studying demonology under the Warrens. This led into John's involvement with cases of possession and exorcism and working with prominent exorcists in this field. Roman Catholic priests, monks, Buddhists, rabbis and ministers. John has assisted and worked with well-known exorcists Bishop Robert McKenna, Malachi Martin and the Rev Jun. His research has taken him throughout the United States, Canada, England and Scotland covering several thousands of cases. Through hands on investigating with other investigators and clergy, he has obtained a great deal of knowledge and understanding of the paranormal and is considered one of the foremost authorities in the field today. Ghosts and poltergeists where among some of his first-hand paranormal experiences, as well as the demonic and diabolical. He has also worked extensively with both spiritualists and psychics concerning how their knowledge is used for channeling, reincarnation (past-life regression), or the calling of the spirits for information, and how they use meditation to acquire the information which they are seeking. Because of his personal experiences with hauntings, ESP, near death experiences and other paranormal activities, he is firm in his conviction that such phenomena exist. John has been featured in the Discovery Channel's documentaries A Haunting in Connecticut and Little Lost Souls. John has also appeared on Unsolved Mysteries, Fox News Live, and many other print and news media events. John is also in the books of Ed and Lorraine Warren Graveyards and In A Dark Place. John's first book, Shadows of the Dark, co-written with Brian McIntyre, was released in September, 2004. John is working on multiple follow-up books currently, and is lecturing all over the United States at colleges and universities. The John Zaffis Paranormal Museum opened in 2004 and displays hundreds of artifacts collected over John's 30 years as a paranormal researcher and investigator. -


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